
iPaaS Forms Custom Field Actions and Conditions

Would it be possible to expose the actions and conditions for the custom type field in iPaaS forms? I am trying to show a list of software from our inventory that is available to users and have it load the data from the flow on initialization. Th...
1 Answer
Tyler Steele Last activity on 8/22/2023 1:46:35 PM by Brittany Renn

Global SLAs

I created an SLA that requires a technician to respond to a ticket within two business days and I would like to make it so that this SLA is applied to every newly created ticket in our system moving forward. Currently, I have only foun...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 8/8/2023 12:17:20 PM by Mark Sayers

Notify a Contact upon adding Contact to ticket

Is it possible (maybe via webhook?) to have someone notified if they have been added to a ticket as a contact through the People tab? For instance, we have some tickets where a technician has ownership of a ticket and added another tec...
2 Answers
Halea Dickinson Last activity on 8/8/2023 11:21:08 AM by David Tod

Roles and/or Permissions there role that can be assigned to users like "agent" or "technician" that can access TDNext and a role for everyone else to access TDClient? If not, is it just granting the user access to either TDNext, TDClient, or TDAdmin? For eithe...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 8/8/2023 9:03:57 AM by Mark Sayers

Creating RSS Feeds

Is there a way to create an RSS feed of all of the comments on tickets submitted through an application?
Ideally we would like to see the newest comments on any ticket that is open within the application. I see many questions about creating t...
1 Answer
Jenna Edwards Last activity on 8/7/2023 4:33:27 PM by Mark Sayers

Asset Configuration?

Hello, I did a search on Asset Configuration and couldn't find a lot of detail. I am looking to distinguish between the following asset properties and am making the following assumptions:
Owner-person/organization that is financially resp...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 8/7/2023 2:05:23 PM by Mark Sayers

C# Admin Authentication via WebAPI

Do you happen to have an example for how to authenticate to the webapi with C# using the BEID and the web services key? All the information I can find just shows how to do it with a user name and password.

Thank you!
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 8/4/2023 12:39:45 PM by Mark Sayers

Reporting - is there a report that will show me what Repsonsble group is assigned to a form?

I'm interested to see if there is a report that I can input a responsible group and get a list of the forms assigned to it?

For example, I want to see every form that has a Responsible group of HD Questions, or Filse Share Se...
1 Answer
Eugene McGeehan Last activity on 8/9/2023 9:43:21 AM by Brittany Renn

URL that automatically selects a Ticket Template in TDNext

Hello Everyone,
in TDNext, we can have a direct link that automatically selects a specific form by putting "formId=#" in the URL.
Is there something similar I can use to automatically select a template as well?
For example:
2 Answers
Ashbinder Saini Last activity on 8/3/2023 2:49:04 PM by Ashbinder Saini

What does GETting the contents of an attachment return through the web api?

Does this just return the text or information within the attachment? For example if I GET a txt file, does it just return the text within the file? Or does this download the file/make it accessible? I need to download PDFs from tickets for an arc...
1 Answer
Troy Lopez Last activity on 8/3/2023 12:29:25 PM by Brittany Renn

Best Practice for decommissioning Groups

We were considering no longer using a group that has essentially become irrelevant to our processes. I was contemplating deletion of the group, archival of the group (remove members primary status and disconnect the associated application), possi...
1 Answer
James Tiggett III Last activity on 8/3/2023 9:43:09 AM by Brittany Renn

I have a new form that does not allow workflow to be assigned.

Assign workflow is not in the Actions list. It is a Public form.
1 Answer
JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Last activity on 8/3/2023 8:57:59 AM by Brittany Renn

TDX Converge 2023 Session missing recording

There was a recording of a Day 2 session presented by NKU on reimagining procurement and I saved the YouTube link. Now when I follow the link, it gives me the wrong recording, even though the Title and information is the same. https://www.youtu...
2 Answers
Jennifer Briggs Last activity on 8/2/2023 3:17:08 PM by Jennifer Briggs

Need Scheduled vs Actual Hours Report with correct data

We are in need of a scheduled vs actual report that shows correct data per person. Our department has been entering scheduled and actual time for a month now and we really need a simple way to see how we are doing with that.
Standard repor...
2 Answers
Sarah Glatz Last activity on 8/2/2023 3:17:48 PM by Sarah Glatz

Adding Recent Feed Entry to Ticket Report

I am trying to make a ticket report that will include the most recent item to be added to a tickets feed. For example, In an on hold report, it would be nice to see the most recent item in the feed which would likely be why the ticket was put on ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 8/2/2023 11:39:51 AM by Brittany Renn

Ticket Types and Type Categories

Can someone help me understand what is the proper way to come up with Ticket Types and Type Categories? Are they optional? Should they mirror Service Catalog category/subcategory?
Thank you!
2 Answers
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 8/2/2023 11:47:23 AM by David Tod

When a Task closes on a project that's time is managed by plan, does the unused scheduled time come off of the resource's schedule?

I manage my projects schedules by plan.
When a task is completed in less time than the estimate will the remaining time get added back to the resource's schedule?
1 Answer
Jeffrey Wormley Last activity on 8/1/2023 4:31:55 PM by Mark Sayers

When a predecessor task closes earlier than its end date will the dependent tasks' start dates move forward to start earlier?

I have 2 tasks.
One is a predecessor to the other.
If the first one ends prior to its end date will the second task's start date move forward to allow it start earlier?
Is it possible to make this happen automatically?
1 Answer
Jeffrey Wormley Last activity on 8/1/2023 2:45:48 PM by Mark Sayers

Project task dependency has a red border and will not save

Hello - I would like to know what the red border means when trying to enter a project task dependency (waterfall).
I have a project task on line 117 of my project and I want it to be dependent on the task on line 161. This dependency field o...
3 Answers
Sarah Glatz Last activity on 7/31/2023 3:50:18 PM by Sarah Glatz

Assets vs CIs

What is the positives/negatives of listing an item as an Asset vs a configuration item? We currently have a pretty large asset application listing most of the devices as assets and software as CIs. We are now discussing getting some server equip...
1 Answer
Danee Gunka Schwartz Last activity on 7/31/2023 1:47:00 PM by Mark Sayers

Subflow Run History?

I haven't been able to break the code when subflow Run Histories are recorded. Can you provide an explanation for when a subflow run histories are recorded? For example, I have a primary flow that is recorded that shows the called subflow was s...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/28/2023 10:48:48 AM by Mark Medaugh

SLA Violation Reasignment

We are looking to reassign tickets that have violated an SLA to the resources manager. Looking through the SLA options I can see where I can notify a resource's manager and I can reassign tickets to specific groups or users. Is there a way to r...
1 Answer
Chip Singletary Last activity on 7/27/2023 12:17:08 PM by Brittany Renn

Are reports based on the entire application or can it be based on a form(s) within the application?

We have an employee that "copied" an existing report and named it new hospitality. They are wondering why is it pulling back both old and new form information instead of just the new form information.
So my question is is there a way to edit...
1 Answer
Justin Manibog Last activity on 7/27/2023 9:33:53 AM by Brittany Renn

Technician Not Notified Upon Ticket Creation

We have created a ticket type and assigned a group to receive notifications as the primary reviewers of the type, but one of the technicians that is a member of the group is not receiving email notifications when tickets of the type are created. ...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 7/27/2023 9:19:34 AM by Brittany Renn

Create report on use of private comments box

We were interested in creating a report that tells us whether our technicians are unchecking the private comments box or leaving it checked, so we can use this information as a training opportunity. We trained our technicians to uncheck the box ...
1 Answer
Renee Couperthwaite Last activity on 7/26/2023 3:51:07 PM by Brittany Renn

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