Are reports based on the entire application or can it be based on a form(s) within the application?

We have an employee that "copied" an existing report and named it new hospitality.  They are wondering why is it pulling back both old and new form information instead of just the new form information.

So my question is is there a way to edit the report to just retrieve information from a specific form or does the report pull information from all existing forms in that application?

Asked by Justin Manibog on Thu 7/27/23 8:04 AM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Thu 7/27/23 9:33 AM

Hi Justin, 

You should be able to add a filter to the report for "Form is one of ____" if you only want to see results of a specific form. 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

2 of 2 users found this helpful.
This worked for me. Thank you! - Justin Manibog Fri 7/28/23 2:43 PM