
How to Open an IPaaS from a TDX Workflow step

I have a form that I want to open in a TDX workflow step. How do you do this?
Thanks, Teviv
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/22/2023 8:55:08 AM by Mark Sayers

Mustache Tag in Templates

In an iPaaS Template using Mustache, is it possible to hide a section when the evaluated value is false? I'm attempting to hide/show template sections based on CheckBox true/false values passed from an iPaaS form to a Flow.
In this KB artic...
1 Answer
Eugene Kikuchi Last activity on 6/22/2023 12:03:05 PM by Mark Sayers

Criteria for Standard Desktop Reports

I am having a difficult time finding the criteria for these reports. Does anyone have information regarding them?
Tickets Awaiting my Review I'm assuming this is keying off of reviewer? But, I am a member of a group that ...
1 Answer
Naseem Benjelloun Last activity on 6/21/2023 3:33:52 PM by Brittany Renn

Adding contacts to tickets

Hi there,
Often times when we get tickets in I need to add additional contacts and be able to notify those contacts of their addition. We can add them in the 'people' tab but that does not notifiy them of being added and creates additional w...
1 Answer
Randi Buckley Last activity on 6/21/2023 2:12:28 PM by Brittany Renn

Storage Space Limit

Is there a limit on the amount of storage our account can use?
1 Answer
Kirby Lupton Last activity on 6/21/2023 11:17:41 AM by Mark Sayers

Change project name and type.

How do I change the change the project name and type?
1 Answer
Michael Tran Last activity on 6/20/2023 11:35:12 AM by Brittany Renn

Excel Add-in for the latest Microsoft 365 versions

Are there plans to make the Excel add-in work for the latest versions of Excel, or is it still limited to Excel 2016?
We're on 2208 - the June release on the semi-annual updates channel. The installer runs but I don't see the add...
1 Answer
Stephen Wichuk Last activity on 6/16/2023 3:03:55 PM by Mark Sayers

How to do a report that shows all groups and their members?

Hello there, I was wanting to create or run a report that shows all of the groups a ticket can be assigned to, and who their members are. Can someone help me with how to do this?
1 Answer
Kay Masters Last activity on 6/16/2023 10:01:58 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset/CI on Ticket Report not available

The Help documentation for the Ticket report specifies that
Asset/CI The asset(s) or configuration item(s) associated with the ticket.

However, this field is not available in the fields. Is the Asset/CI not available for ticket repo...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/15/2023 8:56:49 AM by Mark Sayers

Report SLA violations with escalation between teams

Currently, our Service Desk escalates some tickets to our Infrastructure team. The issue is that sometimes the SLA is violated before the Infrastructure even gets the ticket. Is there a way to select the team that violated the SLA instead of a Tr...
1 Answer
Jodi Laue Last activity on 6/14/2023 5:00:16 PM by Mark Sayers

Importing client user's manager

We would like to be able to set up workflows that have an approval step that is assigned to the "Requestor's Manager." Currently all client users report to themselves under "Resource Management." Is there a way to sync the manager with an Active ...
1 Answer
Jesse Gobeli Last activity on 6/14/2023 4:58:22 PM by Mark Sayers

Configuration Items: Person field - multiple/groups

In adding a configuration item attribute, there's a person type option, but unlike the default Owner field, it does not allow for Groups (or multiple people). Is there a way to allow for either groups or multiple people on a configuration item fi...
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 6/14/2023 2:37:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Calendar feed includes links to TDNext

Is there any built-in way to have a calendar feed (ical) that includes data other than the TDNext link to the item, e.g. description.
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 6/14/2023 1:59:44 PM by Brittany Renn

Approval step 'access denied'

We have a request process that uses a workflow to get approval. We ran into a strange issue. In this scenario, there were 4 potential approvers (only 1 required). After the first approver had approved the ticket, the subsequent approve...
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 6/14/2023 1:27:14 PM by Mark Sayers

Workspaces vs Card Wall

Clarity on the following would be greatly appreciated.
What are the functional between Workspaces app and Card Wall? Under which circumstances is this the best way to utilize the Workspaces app and who will have access to it? Can a work...
1 Answer
Ida Jones Last activity on 6/14/2023 9:08:00 AM by Brittany Renn

Include "Project Template" in Custom Report

I am creating a project report via the Analysis module that shows a project's details. I am unable to locate the field that lists the "Project Template" that was selected for a project. How do I include this information on my report?
1 Answer
Kathryn Robertson Last activity on 6/14/2023 9:10:35 AM by Brittany Renn

Reporting on time it takes to approve a request.

I have a customer asking if they can report on the time it takes for one to approve a ticket in TDX. If you look at workflow history in a ticket, it shows a duration for each step. Can we pull the duration into a report? I can't find what I need ...
1 Answer
David Mitchell Last activity on 6/13/2023 2:38:54 PM by Brittany Renn

Web service to update asset status

I am running a workflow that goes and gets the asset information successfully but won't successfully patch update the status. When I test the update status call it works. Is there a way to see what the web service is using in a web call? I'm us...
1 Answer
Danee Gunka Schwartz Last activity on 6/14/2023 3:13:10 PM by Mark Sayers

Asset Imports

What would be the functional use of the Parent ID field?
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 6/13/2023 11:56:43 AM by Brittany Renn

Asset Imports

I am working on defining fields. I need to know what the difference between the Parent ID and External ID looks like External ID is a required field.
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 6/13/2023 9:53:30 AM by Mark Sayers

Are Fields Overwritten when Updating a User with an API Call?

When using the update user API endpoint, for fields that are not required, will the existing values in the non-required fields be overwritten with null values if there are no values supplied in the API call?
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/13/2023 9:12:07 AM by Mark Sayers

Using Scheduled Tickets

Is there any where that we can put a description in a scheduled ticket (aside from putting a very lengthy title) ? Without creating a new template for each one

The issue is that we are trying to group together the scheduled tickets......
1 Answer
Darla Bury Last activity on 6/12/2023 4:02:18 PM by Darla Bury

"Popular Articles" module

The popular articles module does not allow filtering by portal. Is there a way to do this, or get the same data in a report for a specific portal?
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 6/14/2023 8:38:26 AM by David Tod


How is accessed?
What is the advantage of using this environment, over
1 Answer
Daniel Epley Last activity on 6/12/2023 1:47:22 PM by Brittany Renn

Dashboard Creation

We are looking to create a public dashboard, so users can see at a high level the status of software installation requests. Is there any documentation on how to set-up a public dashboard?

1 Answer
Malia Gallardo Last activity on 6/12/2023 1:14:37 PM by Brittany Renn

Popular Tags