Adding contacts to tickets

Hi there,

Often times when we get tickets in I need to add additional contacts and be able to notify those contacts of their addition.  We can add them in the 'people' tab but that does not notifiy them of being added and creates additional work of having to then reach out to let them know.  Is there a way to pull in the 'contact' attribute that exists on tickets submitted by clients in order for us here in IT to add others and have them be notified?

The people tab would be fine if it were actually notifiying them that they've been added.

Thank you for the help!!!

Asked by Randi Buckley on Wed 6/21/23 2:06 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Wed 6/21/23 2:12 PM

Hi Randi,

You could add the default 'Contact' attribute to your ticket forms for the client portal, so that users can specify contacts on ticket created, but there really isn't a default 'Contact Added' notification, so I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request to ask for that type of option:


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

No feedback
Hi Brittany,
Yes, we have is on all of our forms for both Client Portal and TDNext but once the user submits the ticket we are still not able to update that field regardless of how I have it set which seems odd. The user may not add a contact but I normally add contacts once I receive the ticket.
Thank you,
- Randi Buckley Wed 6/21/23 2:20 PM