Workspaces vs Card Wall

Clarity on the following would be greatly appreciated.

  • What are the functional between Workspaces app and Card Wall? Under which circumstances is this the best way to utilize the Workspaces app and who will have access to it?
  • Can a workspace be associated with different projects and users and stakeholders outside the portfolio?
  • Does a Client Portal user have the option to create a workspace and add and delete accesses?



Asked by Ida Jones on Wed 6/14/23 8:07 AM
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Brittany Renn Wed 6/14/23 9:08 AM

Hi Ida, 

Workspaces is an application that allows you to create and manage teams of people and their work in one view. A workspace consists of a team of people and the work that is assigned to the workspace. Cardwalls on the other hand contain tasks that are limited to one project, whereas Workspaces can include items from multiple projects in one view. Also, Workspaces is a TDNext application, so it would not be available to Client users. 

Below is an Article that provides an overview of Workspaces, which you may find helpful:

Let us know if you have further questions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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