Reporting on time it takes to approve a request.

I have a customer asking if they can report on the time it takes for one to approve a ticket in TDX. If you look at workflow history in a ticket, it shows a duration for each step. Can we pull the duration into a report? I can't find what I need here so I am not sure if this is even reportable.

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Asked by David Mitchell on Tue 6/13/23 2:28 PM
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Brittany Renn Tue 6/13/23 2:38 PM

Hi David, 

Unfortunately, there is not a great way to report on the duration a workflow step currently. I'd suggest submitting a Product Idea so that type of feature can be considered in future versions:


Brittany Renn

TDX Support


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Thanks! - David Mitchell Tue 6/13/23 2:45 PM