How to do a report that shows all groups and their members?

Hello there, I was wanting to create or run a report that shows all of the groups a ticket can be assigned to, and who their members are. Can someone help me with how to do this?


Tags report groups membership
Asked by Kay Masters on Fri 6/16/23 9:59 AM Last edited Fri 6/16/23 9:59 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 6/16/23 10:01 AM

Hello Kay,

There's nothing that will exactly show this information all in one spot or report, however you *can* access the TDAdmin area of the ticketing app in question, go to Users & Roles > Groups, and see all groups that have been configured to be associated with that ticket app (which corresponds to allowing them to be assigned tickets in that app).

From there you can click into them to see their members.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
We're currently *tinkering* with using iPaaS to do this (instead of via Admin interface one group at a time). Will let you know if we get it to work. - Michael Press Fri 9/8/23 4:43 PM