
Run Report for "My Accomplishments"

Is it possible to run a report to see the "My Accomplishments" for an individual?
1 Answer
Carl Amlin Last activity on 7/26/2023 12:21:44 PM by Brittany Renn

Auth Username Update

Which API should be used to update users auth username. I need to update 300+ records and the people import or transfer from organization to TD is not working for us.
1 Answer
Alex Oquendo Last activity on 7/25/2023 3:51:52 PM by Mark Sayers

Knowledge Base Security - Approvers/Publishers

Hopefully a quick question!
We have a number of approvers/publishers setup in a role. Is there a way for that role to be able to approve/publish just the articles their GROUP owns? I saw some security around edit, but was curious our option...
1 Answer
Adam Petrea Last activity on 7/25/2023 2:12:57 PM by Brittany Renn

Bundle multiple reports in one email

I have supervisory staff who want to know more about the tickets their staff receive and complete. These supervisors will never answer a ticket, so they do not need a "Technician" license. I have created multiple reports for them. I'd like to kno...
1 Answer
Terri Edney Last activity on 7/25/2023 12:21:15 PM by Mark Sayers

Report on tickets that have a workflow completed

We have a work flow called Networking Firewall, we need to run a report based on which of dozen of tickets have this workflow completed.
1 Answer
Anita Barrett Last activity on 7/25/2023 11:49:49 AM by Mark Sayers

Retrieve uploaded file content in an iPaaS flow.

How can the content of an uploaded file be read and set as the value for a property in an iPaaS flow?
2 Answers
Gregory Baboolal Last activity on 7/26/2023 9:07:33 AM by Mark Sayers

Defining integer custom attributes as money

Is there a way to define a custom integer attribute as money so that it only accepts two decimal places and is preceded by the $ symbol? Some standard attributes have this formatting - see the Purchase Cost attribute within IT Assets.

1 Answer
Krysten Adler Last activity on 7/24/2023 3:55:03 PM by Mark Sayers

CI form and associated Tickets

We are working on a project to change our CI items. We are merging them into one form so they all use the same attributes. We were going to do an import of the CIs but realized that the association with the tickets will be lost. Is there a way ...
1 Answer
Danee Gunka Schwartz Last activity on 7/24/2023 3:04:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Using a Service Ticket to create a Project

We are discussing the possibility of creating a "Submit a Project" request ticket that would require a form be completed with all the necessary information about this requested "possible" project as well as a.) kick off a workflow for approvals f...
1 Answer
Darla Bury Last activity on 7/24/2023 8:59:55 AM by Mark Sayers

Why aren't client users showing up in the new asset application?

I recently created a second asset application and for some reason I am unable to assign the application to any of my clients so I can make them owners on the assets. I have compared the settings for this asset app to our initial/primary asset app...
1 Answer
Kathy Pauley Last activity on 7/21/2023 9:12:28 AM by Mark Sayers

Sandbox refresh deactivating workflows

I have just found out that after the sandbox refresh all workflows were deactivated. That is a new step this refresh and I'm wondering why TDX has decided to do this. That is the majority of our testing in the sandbox. Is there an easy way of r...
2 Answers
Danee Gunka Schwartz Last activity on 7/20/2023 2:40:54 PM by Danee Gunka Schwartz

Can I report on tickets "moved to application"

I want some data around how many tickets we end up moving to another application.
Ideally, I would like to know how many tickets are moved from our application to another.
However, I would even be grateful for a method to repo...
1 Answer
Sarah Glatz Last activity on 7/20/2023 3:14:47 PM by Brittany Renn

Software Application Information

How do you keep track of software applications that support and enable services and the various attributes on them? It seems like they should be configuration items, but standalone configuration items seem quite limited (e.g. their attributes are...
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 7/19/2023 1:21:51 PM by David Tod

Setting Default Value in an IPaaS Form Listbox

A simple question (I hope). I have a multiple-choice list box that I populate with a flow (list of ticketing applications) and after the flow initializes the list box I can't seem to set a default choice. I have used a Data Initialization condi...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/20/2023 3:43:56 PM by Michael Ligouri

Where to download TeamDynamix Asset Discovery Agent

Can you give me a link where I can download the TeamDynamix Asset Discovery Agent?
1 Answer
Ivan Williams Last activity on 7/19/2023 1:14:54 PM by Brittany Renn

Calendar for appointments

we currently use google calendar for what we call equipment distribution. These appointment date and times come directly from our tickets (not automatically). what is the best option and how to do this with the TDX calendar application?

1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 7/18/2023 11:35:48 AM by Mark Sayers

API Projects Briefcase Folders

Does anyone have an example of a working API that pulls the Files list from a folder
1 Answer
Jeff Phillips Last activity on 7/21/2023 4:27:40 PM by Mark Sayers

Customize Card Wall Card Fields

For waterfall plans, I can customize the names of Fields 1-10.
Where can I do that for Card Walls?
And, how can I see those fields w/in the card itself for updates?
2 Answers
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 7/18/2023 10:45:53 AM by Rebecca Murphy

Project Request Form

Hi, we have added fields to our intake/project request form. However, when I view the request in Portfolio Planning, not all fields that have been populated are appearing on the request. How can I fix this? Thank you,
2 Answers
Kathleen Flaherty Last activity on 7/17/2023 1:40:40 PM by Kathleen Flaherty

Allow Button Script on Client Portal

I am trying to use this code on our Client Portal to create a "Live Chat" button that will interact with the Ivy chatbot on that page.
<button onclick=" ({question: ‘Live Chat’}); return false;">Live Chat<...
1 Answer
Scott Cory Last activity on 7/17/2023 12:44:08 PM by Brittany Renn

Custom Ticket Attribute not Populating with Asset

We have a custom ticket attribute that is an asset type. For multiple months, we were creating tickets through the API and populating that field with an asset ID. Starting in June, the custom attribute does not get populated when the tick...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 7/17/2023 9:46:51 AM by Mark Sayers

Services for staff only

Hi there!
I am working on creating services that can only be used by faculty and staff, however when I set it up to exclude students and test it, our students can still see and request the service. I have searched here to see if there is a s...
1 Answer
Randi Buckley Last activity on 7/14/2023 3:24:41 PM by Mark Sayers

where to find License totals/situation?

Where in the Admin area would License totals be found? Licenses that are being used and how many are available.
1 Answer
Justin Manibog Last activity on 7/14/2023 12:35:35 PM by Brittany Renn

Is there an intro to TD demo

We have a department that may want to use TD but want a demo on its general functionality. Is there a video demo out there I could just send them to show them the "basic" functionality of TD and then I could go deeper if they have further questi...
1 Answer
Justin Manibog Last activity on 7/14/2023 10:10:24 AM by Mark Sayers

Reporting Option - Date Approved

Hello, I am working on setting up a report, and the user would like to see the date that the ticket is approved as part of the report. I know you can look at the ticket to see when it was approved, is there anyway to include that info in a report...
1 Answer
Dylan Quast Last activity on 7/14/2023 9:04:28 AM by Mark Sayers

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