Using Scheduled Tickets

Is there any where that we can put a description in a scheduled ticket (aside from putting a very lengthy title) ?  Without creating a new template for each one 


The issue is that we are trying to group together the scheduled tickets...but we really don't want to create a new template each time as that will make it harder for reporting purposes

Asked by Darla Bury on Mon 6/12/23 3:56 PM Last edited Mon 6/12/23 4:03 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 6/12/23 4:02 PM

Hi Darla, 

The Description field is embedded within the ticket template, so you'd have to have a separate template for each description if you were wanting to supply different descriptions to your scheduled tickets. 

Let us know if you have further questions! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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