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How to enter/edit Estimated Hours on a ticket

We want to enter estimated hours in a ticket so that we can gauge the level of effort. The Estimated Hours field is read only when we "edit" a ticket.
How do we enter/change/edit the Estimated Hours on a ticket?
1 Answer
Ward Durossette Last activity on 7/2/2024 4:19:04 PM by Brittany Renn

api endpoints in TeamDynamix are rate limited?

One thing I noticed is that the api endpoints in TeamDynamix are rate limited. Would this be is configurable?
Invocations of this method are rate-limited , with a restriction of 60 calls per IP address every 60 seconds .
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 4/19/2024 11:34:12 AM by Mark Sayers

Feed on the ticket under Print option

Can we check the feed check box by default under Print preview for a ticket
1 Answer
Navjot Bhatoa Last activity on 3/20/2024 1:59:23 PM by Mark Sayers

Forms vs. Templates

We are looking at a way to make manual ticket creation a bit more streamlined. We're trying to decide whether it's better to use the template feature or the forms feature. Currently, we have about 200 ticket types that we use. Some of ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/5/2024 1:53:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Link Ticket Types to KB Articles

Does there currently exist a way to link either KB Articles or KB categories to a ticket type? So that when a ticket of a certain is created there is immediately related articles shown along the side panel under the user information or a ...
1 Answer
Peter Soto Last activity on 2/27/2024 1:45:36 PM by Mark Sayers

Web API Feed Update Does Not Work As Documented

The following endpoint: POST api/{appId}/tickets/{id}/feed is not working as expected. Although I can update the feed with a given message, it does not notify anyone when providing data in the "Notify" parameter as outlined in the documentation...
1 Answer
Gerrit Brands Last activity on 2/15/2024 12:50:59 PM by Mark Sayers

Tickets API Responsible Fields

These are the parameters used by TDX API during ticket creation to set Responsible person.
Is there...
2 Answers
Tamara Buch Last activity on 2/14/2024 9:01:56 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow feed entry visibility

Is there a way to make workflow feed entries, such as "X approved this request" not private on the ticket feed? We have some approvers who want to see the approval history on a ticket.
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 2/5/2024 12:51:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Alternate ID

Hi! Does anyone know if I can get the "Alternate ID" to show up below side the Organization ID field in the upper right hand side of tickets?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 1/30/2024 2:41:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Generating Ticket from Poor Survey Response

My team would like to have a ticket generated when a satisfaction rating of 4 or lower is received from a survey response. This question is similar to the question linked here, except rather than generating emails to a certain group, it would c...
1 Answer
Jacob Adams Last activity on 12/11/2023 4:30:03 PM by Brittany Renn

Notify Multiple Resources when Bulk/Mass Updating

When trying to update a number of tickets at once, either using Action > Update or Comment , it doesn't appear possible to notify more than one resource (Group, Responsible, Requestor, etc). Is this not possible or am I just missing something...
1 Answer
Jacob Gladfelter Last activity on 11/30/2023 11:03:17 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket + Asset Reports

I'm looking to create a report that will give me a column with a ticket ID and a column with the Assets associated to that ticket. Oddly enough this doesn't seem to be possible. I've created many reports but don't seem to be able to make ...
1 Answer
Carl Amlin Last activity on 11/14/2023 4:10:19 PM by Mark Sayers

Custom Notifications

I have been asked to add additional information to auto response emails when a user creates tickets. Information is specific to services so it would need to be customized for each service that requires it. So along with the typical inf...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 11/1/2023 3:43:43 PM by Mark Sayers

Adding Recent Feed Entry to Ticket Report

I am trying to make a ticket report that will include the most recent item to be added to a tickets feed. For example, In an on hold report, it would be nice to see the most recent item in the feed which would likely be why the ticket was put on ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 8/2/2023 11:39:51 AM by Brittany Renn

Ticket Types and Type Categories

Can someone help me understand what is the proper way to come up with Ticket Types and Type Categories? Are they optional? Should they mirror Service Catalog category/subcategory?
Thank you!
2 Answers
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 8/2/2023 11:47:23 AM by David Tod

Bundle multiple reports in one email

I have supervisory staff who want to know more about the tickets their staff receive and complete. These supervisors will never answer a ticket, so they do not need a "Technician" license. I have created multiple reports for them. I'd like to kno...
1 Answer
Terri Edney Last activity on 7/25/2023 12:21:15 PM by Mark Sayers

Add Converted Request Ticket to Change as Child

We are running product enhancement requests as an Agile project. In this scenario, a request ticket has been converted to a task on the project plan. When it's time to release the feature, a change ticket is created. In the Parent/Child tab when ...
1 Answer
Mary Stanewich Last activity on 6/30/2023 2:38:22 PM by Brittany Renn

Query Merged Tickets

How to find merged tickets in TDX? If I know a ticket has been merged, I could search for that ticket in the UI and it would tell me that the ticket had been merged. Is it possible to search for merged tickets using the API?
1 Answer
Sharon Zhu Last activity on 5/16/2023 10:49:49 AM by Mark Sayers

Can we adjust the visible columns of the Asset/CIs tab on Tickets?

Hi Folks,
Our org is just getting started with utilizing the Assets/CIs module within TDNEXT and we're wondering if it is possible to add columns to the Asset/CIs view on tickets. Currently the only ID that shows up is the TDX ID which has n...
1 Answer
Persephone McNair Last activity on 3/29/2023 4:48:32 PM by Mark Sayers

Report on people/contacts in tickets

Hi - I am trying to create a report of all contacts associated with tickets that match specific criteria. I can set up "Contact" as something to filter the results by, but I cannot add contacts to the report results. Is there a way to do this? ...
1 Answer
Katie Clark Last activity on 3/14/2023 10:12:17 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset/CI on Ticket Template

Is there a way to to define assets/cis for a ticket template. I know it can be added at the schedule settings, but our users would like to have it applied to a template they will manually apply. I've tried adjusting the form that is used and th...
1 Answer
Bill Harlan Last activity on 2/2/2023 9:28:32 AM by Mark Sayers

raw HTML copied in workflow operations?

Since version 11.5, we have had a workflow that now copies the HTML-ified description of tickets and returns it as raw HTML. I'm not sure how to make it stop doing this, any help would be appreciated.
Example output:
Hello, <br>...
2 Answers
Carly Born Last activity on 2/14/2023 9:51:28 AM by Mark Sayers

Two KB Articles on a Ticket

Does anyone currently have a way they incorporate two KB Articles on a ticket? We are looking for a way to post both an internal facing KB Article with a client facing KB Article on the same ticket. One thought we had was to use the KB Article ...
1 Answer
Nick Pearson Last activity on 9/28/2022 11:43:23 AM by Mark Sayers

Include 'Thank you' button in ticket template that changes status of ticket?

We would like to give our clients a "Thank you, I'm all set!" button in the emails they get from the ticket system that will just ensure that the status of the ticket is closed. Is that possible? We have a number of our people who are very poli...
2 Answers
Carly Born Last activity on 8/23/2022 10:35:42 AM by Carly Born

Creating Ticket Template With Multiple Ticket Tasks

Hi there,
I have yet to find something that directly addresses what I want to do. I assume that I need to use the Workflow function to achieve this, but want to make sure.
When a new tech starts we have to grant them a bunch of accesses. ...
1 Answer
Damon Stennett Last activity on 6/20/2022 1:16:21 PM by Mark Sayers