Criteria for Standard Desktop Reports


I am having a difficult time finding the criteria for these reports. Does anyone have information regarding them? 

  1. Tickets Awaiting my Review
    1. I'm assuming this is keying off of reviewer? But, I am a member of a group that is a reviewer for a handful of tickets; and it does not appear in this report
  2. Tickets Needing Resolution
  3. Tickets Needing Response

Thank you,

Asked by Naseem Benjelloun on Wed 6/21/23 3:12 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Wed 6/21/23 3:33 PM

Hi Naseem,

"Tickets - Awaiting My Review" is configured to show tickets that are not closed or canceled, and whose Reviewer is the currently signed-in user or a group that user is a part of.

The Tickets Needing Resolution report contains tickets with an SLA that doesn't meet the satisfaction criteria for either Respond or Resolved, so a ticket won't appear unless it has an SLA.

The Tickets Needing Response report should be using the following filters:

  1. Responded Date - has no value
  2. Responded Date - has a value
  3. SLA Respond By Violated - False
  4. Status class is not one of - Closed or Cancelled

Advanced filtering: (1 AND 3 AND 4) OR (2 AND 3 AND 4)

I hope this helps! 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

No feedback
1 and 2 both use the Responded Date. Is that a typo? - Steve Cade Fri 6/28/24 10:27 AM
No, see the advanced filtering. She's recommending filtering for specific scenarios. One where it does have a value, and one where it does not have a value. - Mark Sayers Fri 6/28/24 11:41 AM