
User History

Is there a way to see what updates were made to a user's record? I notice that a tech was changed this afternoon, but I didn't make that change.
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 7/26/2024 2:18:42 PM by Mark Sayers

Limit Field Level Editing

I need to be able to limit the ability to change the Project Type field value only on Requests and Projects. Once it's assigned, it should only be able to be changed by a TDAdmin or specific 2 users. Is there a way to do that?
1 Answer
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 7/26/2024 11:49:40 AM by Mark Sayers

Email Monitor

Good morning, I have a quick question and was wondering if you all could take a look at something for us. We have an email monitor setup ( and up until a few days ago when someone would send an email to that address it would ge...
1 Answer
Ryan Turner Last activity on 7/26/2024 11:01:32 AM by Mark Sayers

KB Report for Pending Review

I have a report for this, but it has a default value for a portal I chose. I'd like it to be "default client portal" so that technicians in other ticketing applications would see their pending KB articles. I'm assuming that's not possible?
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 7/26/2024 10:00:18 AM by David Tod

iPaaS standard connector documentation

Is there documentation that I just am not finding for standard connectors in iPaaS like "TDX Common Admin". I am trying to edit a person record and getting an error that "Bad Request ID: -1 Message: Could not edit user: The primary Client Portal...
1 Answer
Charles Morgan Last activity on 7/26/2024 12:32:00 PM by Michael Ligouri

Project Total Expense Budget differs from Total Expense Types Budget

I have a project that shows 2 different budget amounts. The total Expense Types Budget matches what I've entered and is correct. The total Expenses Budget is a different number and I can't determine where it came from or how to edit it. Unfort...
1 Answer
Kimberly Lawrence Last activity on 7/24/2024 10:17:57 AM by Mark Sayers

Windows File System Access ipass connector

What's the expected format for the "File name" attribute on the "File Exists" action? See image
I'm using "\\servername\LOAD\TDXSystemImports\People\text.txt" and it isn't appearig to work
1 Answer
Charles Morgan Last activity on 7/23/2024 4:52:11 PM by Michael Ligouri

iPaaS forms - authentication

There are currently only two options in our iPaaS forms' authentication drop down menu: None or SAML with Claims Validation .
I can see in the tool tip(attached) that there are two other options that we don't have available: Password or ...
1 Answer
Nick Nunn Last activity on 7/24/2024 9:55:36 AM by Noah Hensley

IPaas to Admanger

I am trying to find out if TDX has an IPaas integration from ADmanager to TDX for account creation and real time updating of TDX accounts both ways.
So if I created an account in AD I need it to create the account in TDX and if that accout...
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 7/22/2024 11:21:08 AM by Matthew Thompson

Trying to do a people import on TDADMIN

I am trying to upload an XLSX file on the admin portal and when doing so I am getting this error. I have done these several times and never received this error.
Worksheet position out of range.
at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheets.get_Item(Int3...
2 Answers
Tabitha Logemann Last activity on 7/24/2024 8:21:49 AM by Tabitha Logemann

Access to tickets, Requests, Asset, Questions for Users.

I need to find out what access I need to give my technicians so they can see the Access to tickets, Requests, Asset, Questions for Users.
When I click on a users name in an open ticket I can see the options in the attached picture. However,...
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 7/23/2024 10:56:36 AM by Mark Sayers

Limited Access to Admin Application?

Hi there,
We have branched out an added a new ticketing system for another department. For this department to create forms, customize within admin, and configure their own items, is there a permission or security role that can be granted? Ide...
1 Answer
Thomas Bartkus Last activity on 7/23/2024 8:50:19 AM by Brittany Renn

Can somebody tell me what has to be changed on a users record to mark it as modified?

When you look at Users in TDXADMIN there is a column that says "Modified" at the very end of the page. When you click on a user there are many menu options: General, Authentication, Applications, etc... I would like to know what has to occur on t...
1 Answer
Patricia Porter Last activity on 7/23/2024 9:37:02 AM by Mark Sayers

Upvote an Enhancement Request

Hi - Is there a way to upvote an enhancement request? I have seen some I'd like to put in support for, but not able to find a way to do that. I may be missing something obvious, but so far all I can find is how to submit a new enhancement request...
1 Answer
Kristi Oetting Last activity on 7/22/2024 10:47:38 AM by Mark Sayers

What is #Templates Tell you?

It has been a while since I worked with Task Templates (workflow and IPaaS have overtaken them), but in the Admin View for task templates, what does the #Template value signify? I can't find any KB on the details.
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/19/2024 4:37:45 PM by Mark Sayers

Workflow timer step and on hold status

I read in the timer step knowledge base article , " The time a ticket spends on hold does not count against the timer's duration ."
I wanted to create a question to confirm: If a ticket is in an on hold status class, a workflow timer step wo...
1 Answer
Zoë Crabtree Last activity on 7/19/2024 9:43:48 AM by Mark Sayers

User Groups and Notifications

Is it possible to have an active group in a ticketing application for access permissions and automatic/workflow assignment of tasks and tickets, without being able to manually reassign tickets to the group?

Also, is it possible to inclu...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 7/18/2024 2:45:40 PM by Mark Sayers

Metric Data: How to measure metrics while excluding OnHold time

We're trying to understand metrics from the perspective of both Create to Respond and Create to Resolve . However the time that is logged appears to include time that a ticket was On Hold .
Is there another metric, or value/field that has...
1 Answer
Kelson ONeil Last activity on 7/18/2024 2:00:27 PM by Mark Sayers

Time Entry on TDX Mobile App

Is there any plan to allow time entry on a ticket or projects from the Mobile App?
1 Answer
Valentina Gutierrez Last activity on 7/18/2024 9:26:51 AM by Brittany Renn

Is there a way to import a set of field records without it overwriting existing records ?

Using the Asset Import option under Asset/CIs, is there a way to update a field or selected fields without wiping all other Asset data ?
For example, I just want to update Warranty Date on a set of 10 assets.
If I use the Asset Import op...
1 Answer
Mark Chen Last activity on 7/17/2024 3:14:11 PM by Mark Sayers

Assigning ticket task in workflow to Requestor's Manager when Manager is not a TDNext user?

Can we assign a ticket task in a workflow to the ticket Requestor's Manager when Manager is not a TDNext user and have that Manager "complete" the task from the Client Portal?
1 Answer
Michael Cyr Last activity on 7/17/2024 12:08:31 PM by Brittany Renn

Remove users from a ticket queue

I am writing to inquire about the possibility of preventing specific users in a group from receiving ticket assignments on days they are not available, such as due to illness. Currently, we utilize a round-robin iPaaS flow to assign t...
1 Answer
Ryan Turner Last activity on 7/17/2024 12:26:07 PM by Mark Sayers

UX Preview

I wanted to register for the new UX preview on July 30th. I got an error that says 'This webinar is for authorized registrants only. Please enter another email address.' I'm not sure why it would ask that as I only have the one I use with TeamDyn...
1 Answer
Justin Goode Last activity on 7/16/2024 3:07:50 PM by Mark Sayers


We have an API that based off someone clicking a link within a response to a ticket it takes them to our oncehub site to make the appt. once that appt is saved it goes into a field within the ticket for the date and time (which is an attribute). ...
1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 7/16/2024 11:00:27 AM by Mark Sayers

public desktop with client portal content

I created a simple non-public desktop with "client portal / knowledge base / popular articles" and "client portal / service catalog / popular services"
I see the two reports on the desktop in TDNext.
I then make the desktop public and acc...
1 Answer
Greg Van De Mark Last activity on 7/16/2024 10:35:13 AM by Mark Sayers

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