"Popular Articles" module

The popular articles module does not allow filtering by portal. Is there a way to do this, or get the same data in a report for a specific portal?

Asked by David Tod on Mon 6/12/23 3:13 PM Last edited Mon 6/12/23 3:13 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Mon 6/12/23 3:17 PM

Hello David,

I would have to dig in with the engineering team to see what the back-end filtering is on that module, and I'm not sure all of those filters are available in a report builder report.

Let me confirm that for you though.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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At this point, what you've posted is the closest thing there is. This essentially should become an enhancement request to ask for a way to get at this info in a custom report. - Mark Sayers Wed 6/14/23 1:28 PM

David Tod Wed 6/14/23 8:38 AM

This is the closest that I just happened to run across, but it doesn't give recently popular (vs all time).


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