
Storing Customer Passwords Data From Forms

Hey folks,
I'm trying to support our desktop technician team with getting their customer-owned device intake process into TDX. The largest concern they have is that since they work on personally-owned devices, they frequently need to collect ...
1 Answer
Colin Murray Last activity on 8/24/2023 4:09:40 PM by Mark Sayers

Ability to edit all projects

Is there a way to enable one person / TDAdmin user to be able to edit any/all projects from TDNext without having to add them as manager or alt manager?
We are inputting, editing and organizing 100+ projects as we try to get a PMO structure i...
1 Answer
Wendy Helm Last activity on 8/23/2023 1:28:08 PM by Brittany Renn

Removing Previous Owner from the Assets' users - Asset Importing

This was brought up by one of my technicians while trying to do a mass Asset update and asked if it was possible to have the previous owner removed from assets' users. We know this is possible via Assets > Update with the checkbox below the Ow...
1 Answer
Nicholas Steinmetz Last activity on 8/22/2023 12:46:57 PM by Brittany Renn

Google Analytics view_search_results?

Hello, I am setting up an exploration in GA4, and I want to use the predefined view_search_results event as a filter. However, as the screen capture shows, there is no term-specific historical data is displayed. I have configured view_search_re...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 8/29/2023 5:02:48 PM by Mark Sayers

Report builder

We are about to go through a major change of reimaging computers and changing the names of those computers, Currently we have reports that are looking for the old name of those computers, I'm assuming once those names change and we run that repor...
1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 8/21/2023 11:45:16 AM by Brittany Renn

Calendar Application and Tickets Calendar and Ticket Searches Not Showing up in Feeds

Hi there,
I'm losing my marbles over this one. I've looked everywhere I can think of and so I need your help in thinking of where I didn't look :-)
Calendar Application Based on this Working with the TeamDynamix Calendar KBA...
1 Answer
Damon Stennett Last activity on 8/18/2023 1:28:45 PM by Brittany Renn

New User needs to access custom content.

I have a user who is new to TDX. There is content that they know exists that they want to add to their desktop by editing the desktop.
But when they click on Edit Desktop, they cannot find the content to add.
I am thinking that this is ...
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 8/18/2023 9:48:07 AM by Brittany Renn

Knowledge Base Article and Time Type field visibility

Is there a way to control the visibility of the Knowledge Base Article field and the Time Type fields when updating a ticket?

We are looking to hide these fields on a specific form.
1 Answer
Krysten Adler Last activity on 8/17/2023 4:06:00 PM by Brittany Renn

Automatically Notifying a Requestor that a Ticket is On Hold (Awaiting their input)

When we put a ticket on hold awaiting customer/requestor input, can the requestor be notified automatically at certain intervals that the ticket is on hold awaiting their input/response? We are considering creating a new "hold" status of "Waitin...
1 Answer
Greg Dec Last activity on 8/16/2023 8:32:05 AM by David Tod

Create a ticket from IvyQuantum end of chat transcripts

Our support team is working to configure an integration that will create a ticket in TeamDynamix for each visitor that contains their Live Chat transcript when they interact with an agent. We were hoping to use the API, but it appears a e...
2 Answers
Scott Cory Last activity on 9/1/2023 4:18:48 PM by Scott Cory

Report for Workflow Approvals

Is there a way to get a report that will show all workflow approvals and who was the user that approved it?
I'm trying to get a count on who is the majority approver for our workflows, but I'm only seeing the ability to get a report on Workfl...
1 Answer
Nathan Ignatz Last activity on 8/15/2023 2:22:40 PM by Brittany Renn

TD project plan % complete inaccurate

I have a project plan that has in several in progress tasks that are less than 100% complete. However, the overall plan % complete is showing as 100%. I have tried checking the plan out and checking it back in hoping that would fix it, but no luc...
1 Answer
Tracey Davis Last activity on 8/15/2023 10:43:00 AM by Mark Sayers

Mixing Public and Private Services?

Hello. What are your recommendations for mixing public-facing services and services that require a login?
Do you have to put the public and private services in separate service catalog sections?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 8/15/2023 9:04:00 AM by Mark Sayers

Change the 'Make Comments Private' Checkbox default for projects to UNCHECKED
Is this response still accurate in that it cannot be done systematically? I know we were able to make that change for Tickets, and would like to be able to do ...
1 Answer
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 8/14/2023 2:30:36 PM by Mark Sayers

Report Date Project Survey Sent

We have a department goal that 100% of projects have a project survey distributed @ closure. We don't care if a response has been received or not, just that it was sent.
I looked in the data sets for both project and survey response w/in...
1 Answer
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 8/14/2023 2:23:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Using Custom Forms on Client Portal

We are in the process of building out our Service Catalog and are creating custom forms in TDAdmin to assist under TDAdmin > Applications > Tickets > Forms. However, when working in the Service Catalog, I don't see all of the ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 8/14/2023 9:06:05 AM by Mark Sayers

Clients sending help requests to the Replies email address

(We use GMail, BTW) From time to time, clients will send requests for help to the Replies email address. Since the message doesn't contain a token, the message isn't processed. The Replies monitor log had a message like this:
Error encou...
2 Answers
John Shearer Last activity on 8/11/2023 3:29:05 PM by Becky Klein

Creating a new ticket in a separate ticketing app with workflow

Is there a way to have a workflow in App A create a ticket in App B without using web services or iPaaS?
1 Answer
Jason Rider Last activity on 8/11/2023 11:21:20 AM by Brittany Renn

iPaaS Form code

Where can I find the code from the Workshop: Building Unique iPaaS Forms - CONVERGE 2023
1 Answer
JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Last activity on 8/11/2023 1:40:37 PM by Michael Turner

Can I Hid Tags From Other Applications?

Is there a way to hide / separate Tags from one applications? In my Organization I have one application called IT Tickets and another one called Legal Department. they both work completely separate types of work orders. They are wanting to know t...
1 Answer
Jason Heaton Last activity on 8/11/2023 9:35:49 AM by Mark Sayers

OpenAPI or Swagger for TDX API?

I think I've asked this before, but is there an OpenAPI definition for the TDX API? It would make life a lot easier.
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 8/10/2023 3:39:03 PM by Mark Sayers

Time Tracking for Consultants

Is it possible for an admin to enter actual hours on a project for an external resource? Resource cost is tied to the resource but we use many consultants & it doesn't make sense to provide access & train all of them. However we do need t...
1 Answer
Kristen Carter Last activity on 8/10/2023 9:35:34 AM by Brittany Renn

{{UpdateText}} tag passing HTML in email notifications

Hi, I am utilizing a custom notification template for a handful of applications. I am having an issue that the update text is passing html tags as a string into the email.
Is there anyway around this?

The code for my notification ...
1 Answer
Naseem Benjelloun Last activity on 8/9/2023 12:53:51 PM by Brittany Renn

company email to a TD "ticket" to be tracked and assigned?

Is there a way that an email can be forwarded to TD where within the application that 2 employees oversee it and that they can then create a ticket to be edited and assigned to a responsible employee or group within that same application?
2 Answers
Justin Manibog Last activity on 8/9/2023 10:41:50 AM by Justin Manibog

Ticketing Form Static Content

In Ticket Forms there is an option to add Static Content to the form. This content will render on the ticket creation page and the ticket edit page. Is there a way to also get this content to render on ticket update pages?
1 Answer
Tyler Shellman Last activity on 8/9/2023 9:07:57 AM by Brittany Renn

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