
Add Converted Request Ticket to Change as Child

We are running product enhancement requests as an Agile project. In this scenario, a request ticket has been converted to a task on the project plan. When it's time to release the feature, a change ticket is created. In the Parent/Child tab when ...
1 Answer
Mary Stanewich Last activity on 6/30/2023 2:38:22 PM by Brittany Renn

Collect an email address via client portal form and be able to use that email in a notification in a workflow

I have a scenario where I want to be able to collect a 3rd party email address via a client portal form, and then use that email in a notification as part of a work flow. Is there any way to collect an email address as a custom attribute ...
1 Answer
Jason Clark Last activity on 6/30/2023 12:42:36 PM by Mark Sayers

"permission denied" error messages

Good morning

I have a request from a customer to edit the " Permission Denied: You do not have permission to view this page" error when, for instance, somebody tries to access an app they don't have access to. The customer is requesting...
1 Answer
Eugene McGeehan Last activity on 6/30/2023 9:44:16 AM by Mark Sayers

Button - Primary Submit Behavior

I have a simple question about dynamic forms. As I understood it, if you use a primary submit button on a form and configure the "flow behind" to trigger "From a Form Submission," then you do not have to invoke any action on the primary submit ...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/6/2023 3:30:48 PM by Michael Ligouri

Adding Built-In Attributes to Ticket Update Page

Is it possible to add out-of-the-box attributes to ticket update pages? We would like to add service, service offering, and type to the update pages in our IT ticketing application.
Thank you.
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 6/29/2023 1:53:46 PM by Brittany Renn

Incoming Attachment

If an email is sent to an email monitor address, and has an attachment larger than 50 MB will that attachment be removed from the Service Request?
1 Answer
Nick Christiansen Last activity on 6/29/2023 1:26:11 PM by Brittany Renn

Update to service request notifications

Where do I update the template for Service request notifications?
Also, can the link to the service request ticket just created only be present if the user can actually access the ticket?
For example, when an external requester submits a ...
1 Answer
Sarah Glatz Last activity on 6/29/2023 12:44:10 PM by Brittany Renn

HTML not Rendering in Comments from IPaaS

Hello, I have an IPaaS HTML notification template that gets set correctly; however, when I used the Update Ticket action and provide comments, the HTML is not rendered in the Comments section of the ticket (see below). Is there a configuration s...
2 Answers
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/29/2023 9:27:00 AM by Carrie Willis

Auto updating an asset field

I've been asked if there is a way to automate updating the status of about 2200 assets in TDX. We added a new asset field for the 2200 affected assets but would prefer not to set that field on them manually.
2 Answers
Mike Martin Last activity on 6/28/2023 3:57:37 PM by Mark Sayers

Attribute that Saves Selection Order

Are there any attribute types that save the order options are selected when displaying in the ticket view? We're looking to have a "Select Your Top 3 Choices" type of list that is contained within a single attribute but it looks like the Multisel...
1 Answer
Ria Laskowski-Sinnett Last activity on 6/28/2023 2:31:27 PM by Mark Sayers

Automation Rule

Is it possible to automatically close a specific type of ticket from a specific email that comes into a ticketing application?
I tried to create an automation rule and then applied a workflow to automatically close the ticket, however, it doe...
1 Answer
Nick Christiansen Last activity on 6/28/2023 9:15:46 AM by Mark Sayers

Notifications on Status Change

We have specific tickets (All under a specific service) that will need to notify a specific group of people when resolved/closed & Opened/Created. We are using an automation rule to assign the ticket to a specific workflow th...
1 Answer
Rik Miller Last activity on 6/27/2023 9:05:29 AM by Brittany Renn

Can we use API to delete duplicate Assets en masse?

We accidentally created many duplicate assets and need to delete them from our production environment. Due to a misunderstanding, a single import .XLSX sheet contained many rows with duplicate External ID and Service Tag values. The import tool m...
1 Answer
Stephen Wichuk Last activity on 6/27/2023 9:07:39 AM by Brittany Renn

Deleting or changing apps in TDX

Is there a way for me to delete change an app type in TDX? I accidentally created a new app as an asset app rather than a ticketing app and I don't see anywhere to do this? If I cannot, can I possibly submit a ticket with TDX to have you ...
1 Answer
David Mitchell Last activity on 6/26/2023 1:41:41 PM by Brittany Renn

Email Monitor with Google Groups

Hi everyone,
Looking for some input from the community here. I've gotten some answers as far as what's going on, but want to know if anyone has faced a similar situation and has a good resolution.
So we're a Google shop, and naturally we ...
1 Answer
Dana Faldasz Last activity on 6/26/2023 2:32:03 PM by David Tod

I have a newer application that is not showing in the Client portal menu bar

We have an application that was created a few months ago, and it does not show up in the Client Portal home page top navigation bar, like all of the other applications do. I have searched and search to no avail to find a setting somewhere or a pl...
1 Answer
Will Tonkin Last activity on 6/26/2023 9:21:13 AM by Will Tonkin

wait for previous workflow steps to be completed

I have created a workflow that has worked fine, but the people using the workflow wants the final step to wait until all the other steps have been completed.
I know this can be done (using wait for previous steps to be completed), but I canno...
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 6/26/2023 9:44:43 AM by Brittany Renn

Card Wall reports

Is there an option to produce a card wall report and have it color coded to look like your color coded cards? When I go into the card wall project, I see my cards are color-coded but there is not an option to print with this format that I can fi...
1 Answer
Lisa Mouser Last activity on 6/26/2023 9:04:45 AM by Brittany Renn

Generate PDF of ticket history

We have a use case where we need to generate a PDF of a ticket and its full ticket history (similar to the view when a ticket is printed to PDF), along with its attachments and transfer it to our Document Archiving system.
We are aware of th...
1 Answer
Krysten Adler Last activity on 6/23/2023 2:46:03 PM by Brittany Renn

Translate instructions for Location Room import duplicate checking

Hi all,
I'm trying to update our location rooms and am having some difficulty understanding how duplicate checking works.
Can someone explain what the following means? My brain seizes up when trying to figure this maze out.
1 Answer
Damon Stennett Last activity on 6/23/2023 11:05:59 AM by Mark Sayers

Changing rates on existing projects

We recently updated rates for our users. This new rate is used when new projects are created. However, we have old projects that I need to update with the new rates.
Is there a method to adjust/update all of the old projects with the new ra...
1 Answer
Cecil Smalley Last activity on 6/23/2023 9:29:14 AM by Mark Sayers

API / iPaaS for adding to my work/accomplishments

Is there an API or method for this in iPaas?
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 6/22/2023 6:08:55 PM by David Tod

Auto Refresh not working

I am trying to embed some iPaas forms into TDNext and even though I have auto-refresh on the desktop enabled, the crossed out circle still appear on the modules saying auto refresh is not enabled.
1 Answer
Abelardo Huereque Last activity on 6/22/2023 4:32:50 PM by Brittany Renn

Survey question data types - not numeric

Good afternoon,
I would like to create a summary report for my team showing the average satisfaction score for my team members. We are having requestors respond on a scale of 1 to 5 how satisfied they were with how the ticket was handled. U...
1 Answer
Kimberly Lawrence Last activity on 6/22/2023 2:08:23 PM by Mark Sayers

Workspace item age needs

For a particular Workspace, we Ido not want to bring in anything older than a year. The idea is that the workspaces always show the tickets and tasks for the current year and that way everything is automatic from year to year. New items get...
1 Answer
Anna-Liisa Breit Last activity on 6/22/2023 11:33:44 AM by Mark Sayers

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