SLA Violation Reasignment

We are looking to reassign tickets that have violated an SLA to the resources manager.  Looking through the SLA options I can see where I can notify a resource's manager and I can reassign tickets to specific groups or users.  Is there a way to reassign tickets based on SLA violations to a resources manager?

Tags sla reassign
Asked by Chip Singletary on Thu 7/27/23 12:12 PM
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Brittany Renn Thu 7/27/23 12:17 PM

Hi Chip, 

Unfortunately, you can only reassign to a User or Group through SLA Escalation Steps currently. I would suggest submitting this as a Product Idea and asking for an option to Reassign To a role like "Responsible resource's manager" so that kind of feature may be considered in future versions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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