Technician Not Notified Upon Ticket Creation

We have created a ticket type and assigned a group to receive notifications as the primary reviewers of the type, but one of the technicians that is a member of the group is not receiving email notifications when tickets of the type are created. I have confirmed that notifications are enabled for the user, and email notifications are not going to the spam or quarantine folders.

We have confirmed that other technicians in the group are receiving the notifications.

Please advise further troubleshooting steps.

Tags reviewer email-notification
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Thu 7/27/23 12:21 AM
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Brittany Renn Thu 7/27/23 9:19 AM

Hi Anderson, 

Aside from ensuring that the user has notifications enabled on the group and ensuring that the setting/service is configured to notify on ticket creation, I'm not sure what else could be going on unless something has changed with the users Alert/Notification email on their user record. If that isn't the case, I would suggest submitting this as a support ticket so we can look into the email logs to see if the system did in fact attempt to send the email, at least. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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