Ticket Types and Type Categories


Can someone help me understand what is the proper way to come up with Ticket Types and Type Categories? Are they optional? Should they mirror Service Catalog category/subcategory?

Thank you!

Tags ticket type typecategory tickettype tickets categories type-category type-categories types ticket-type ticket-types category
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Wed 8/2/23 10:28 AM Last edited Wed 8/2/23 10:31 AM
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Answers (2)

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David Tod Wed 8/2/23 11:47 AM

We've pondered this same issue. I would note that Types can have Reviewers and default SLAs, so there may be value in thinking about that when you set them up.

If you set up Type Categories as ECAR Service Categories and Types as ECAR Services, then you can have (in effect) an ECAR Service Reviewer and ECAR Service SLA by using Types.

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Thank you David. This will be my first time setting up Team Dynamix so trying to cover all my bases to I get it right from the beginning. I can not seem to find any videos for admin stuff so need to rely on asking questions and the Knowledge Base. - Michael Rodriguez Wed 8/2/23 9:05 PM
Administrative training should have been delivered via your implementation project which only just wrapped up. Perhaps you can reach out to the members of the team from your org that participated in that training to receive instruction on what you're looking for. Otherwise put in a support ticket and we can direct you to the best path to receive additional resources. - Mark Sayers Thu 8/3/23 9:42 AM

Mark Sayers Wed 8/2/23 10:43 AM

Hello Michael,

The general guideline is to follow the ECAR categorization model. The general categories you might utilize are referred to in this educause document: https://www.educause.edu/working-groups/papers/2019/the-higher-education-it-service-catalog-second-edition/the-higher-education-it-service-catalog-model

Ticket type categories should be the high-level breakdown of the type of work that you perform, and the types would be more in line with those ECAR categories generally.

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So I assume you mean the service categories in the link. Our implementation does not encompass the entire organization just a few departments. Could I mirror the service categories in the service catalog? For instance the service categories we are planning are for Faculty: Canvas (LMS), Training, TDX and for Students: Canvas (LMS), Registration&Admissions, Cont. Ed.

Any suggestions? Are both Ticket Types and Type Categories required?
- Michael Rodriguez Wed 8/2/23 11:38 AM
We've definitely seen folks not really use Categories at all and just create 1 category then create their Types. I would still make your Types as broad and as encompassing as possible. Unless it's specifically valuable to know whether it was Canvas for a faculty member vs a student, just list it as Canvas (LMS) without the distinction, and so on. - Mark Sayers Wed 8/2/23 11:42 AM
Thank you Mark. This will be my first time setting up Team Dynamix so trying to cover all my bases to I get it right from the beginning. I can not seem to find any videos for admin stuff so need to rely on asking questions and the Knowledge Base. - Michael Rodriguez Wed 8/2/23 9:06 PM