Ticket Types and Type Categories
Can someone help me understand what is the proper way to come up with Ticket Types and Type Categories? Are they optional? Should they mirror Service Catalog category/subcategory?
Thank you!
Answers (2)
We've pondered this same issue. I would note that Types can have Reviewers and default SLAs, so there may be value in thinking about that when you set them up.
If you set up Type Categories as ECAR Service Categories and Types as ECAR Services, then you can have (in effect) an ECAR Service Reviewer and ECAR Service SLA by using Types.
Hello Michael,
The general guideline is to follow the ECAR categorization model. The general categories you might utilize are referred to in this educause document: https://www.educause.edu/working-groups/papers/2019/the-higher-education-it-service-catalog-second-edition/the-higher-education-it-service-catalog-model
Ticket type categories should be the high-level breakdown of the type of work that you perform, and the types would be more in line with those ECAR categories generally.
Any suggestions? Are both Ticket Types and Type Categories required? - Michael Rodriguez Wed 8/2/23 11:38 AM