Asset Configuration?

Hello, I did a search on Asset Configuration and couldn't find a lot of detail.  I am looking to distinguish between the following asset properties and am making the following assumptions:

  1. Owner-person/organization that is financially responsible for the asset.
  2. Requester--the person that is requesting the asset and could be requested on behalf of another person
  3. User--person using the asset.

These assumptions raise a few questions.

  1. When creating a new asset, it doesn't appear that a user can be assigned to an asset.
  2. Is the only way to add a user to an asset to create the asset, then add them in the "User" tab.
  3. The filter option in the Asset application search doesn't have a "Requester" field.
  4. When looking at a Person record, under assets, it shows "This page shows all active assets that [] currently owns", but not the assets they are using.

What are the recommended best practices for using the owner, requester, and user?  For example, an Asset Manager wants to find all the assets a specific user is "using."

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Mon 8/7/23 12:53 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 8/7/23 2:05 PM

Hello Tevis,

An asset (if individually utilized/owned) is assigned via the Owner field. Otherwise you could indicate who uses the item in the Users tab unless it is a number of folks too large to reasonably track, in which case you probably should just track the Owning Department or group.

#2, yes or by adding them as an Owner they are added as a User, but it can only have one true owner at a time.

#3, incorrect, both the built in asset search page and custom asset reports have filters available for "Requestor".

#4, that is correct. It's meant to help you directly view those items that they specifically own rather than ones they might only use temporarily/occasionally.

Owner and User are really the more common things I see used to track usage of assets. Requestor is to track if a specific person asked for the asset in question to be procured (which sometimes is synonymous with the Owner, but isn't always). Even for an equipment loan operation we commonly see the Owner being updated to the recipient of the loaned item until they return it, so perhaps that is the most useful field of all. Then be sure to keep the list of Users on an asset up to date as owners change.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks, Mark, and this answers my question. Also, sorry I didn't scroll down to the bottom of the filter and see the requester information (too much multitasking.) - Tevis Boulware Mon 8/7/23 2:19 PM