Adding Recent Feed Entry to Ticket Report

I am trying to make a ticket report that will include the most recent item to be added to a tickets feed. For example, In an on hold report, it would be nice to see the most recent item in the feed which would likely be why the ticket was put on hold without having to drill into the ticket itself. Is this possible?

Tags report ticket feed tdnext
Asked by Riley Fay on Wed 8/2/23 11:34 AM
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Brittany Renn Wed 8/2/23 11:39 AM

Hi Riley, 

It currently isn't possible to report on a tickets feed. You can report on the last modified date, but not the actual feed post itself. I would suggest submitting this as a Product Idea so this kind of feature may be considered for future versions. 



Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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