Create report on use of private comments box

We were interested in creating a report that tells us whether our technicians are unchecking the private comments box or leaving it checked, so we can use this information as a training opportunity.  We trained our technicians to uncheck the box to ensure the client sees their comment, but we have heard that some people aren't remembering.  We don't specifically know who, which is why a report would help so we can approach them to provide more training.  I didn't see a report field or filter that captures the use of this box, so I'm interested in learning other ways we can accomplish this.

Asked by Renee Couperthwaite on Wed 7/26/23 3:44 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 7/26/23 3:51 PM

Hi Renee, 

Unfortunately, there isn't a reporting configuration currently that would support reporting on ticket comments or whether or not that comment was marked as private. I would suggest submitting this as a Product Idea so that it could be considered for future versions:


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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