When a Task closes on a project that's time is managed by plan, does the unused scheduled time come off of the resource's schedule?

I manage my projects schedules by plan. 

When a task is completed in less time than the estimate will the remaining time get added back to the resource's schedule?

Tags project resource task
Asked by Jeffrey Wormley on Tue 8/1/23 2:53 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 8/1/23 4:31 PM

Hello Jay,

In that management style, when you mark a task complete, you're setting its "remaining hours" to 0 (same if you just give it an Act. Hrs value equal to its Est. Hrs value). There really isn't any "time" to add back to anything because you're setting remaining hours to nothing at that point with the completion of the task.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I have a task that starts on 8/2/23 and ends on 9/29/23.
The estimated hours are 20. Using the Analysis>Standard Reports>Scheduled V Actual Hrs By Project, I checked my scheduled time, and I am scheduled to work 10.23 hours in August and 9.77 in September on the project. I update the task on 8/2/23 to 100% percent completed. The remaining hours show 0. The EAC Hrs show 10.
Re-running the same reports shows, that I am still scheduled to work 10 hours on a closed task.
This is incorrect. I should not be scheduled for any time on the project. My work is complete.
If the task is completed shouldn’t the EAC also show 0?
- Jeffrey Wormley Wed 8/2/23 8:32 AM
If you logged 10 hrs against the task at the point of closing it/marked complete (or at least cumulative by the time you closed it), then EAC (Estimated at Completion) for it should be 10, because EAC is calculated as Task Actual Hours + Task Remaining Hours. - Mark Sayers Wed 8/2/23 10:23 AM
Per this KB https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=8127 - Mark Sayers Wed 8/2/23 10:24 AM
If the task is completed, you don't need any more hours scheduled on it. The task is done. Why would it continue to schedule time for the resource? This makes no sense to me at all. I would like to schedule a meeting with someone to talk about this. - Jeffrey Wormley Wed 8/2/23 10:28 AM
I just scheduled VAS to assist with this. Thank you. - Jeffrey Wormley Wed 8/2/23 10:32 AM