When a predecessor task closes earlier than its end date will the dependent tasks' start dates move forward to start earlier?
I have 2 tasks.
One is a predecessor to the other.
If the first one ends prior to its end date will the second task's start date move forward to allow it start earlier?
Is it possible to make this happen automatically?
Asked by Jeffrey Wormley
on Tue 8/1/23 2:30 PM
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Mark Sayers
Tue 8/1/23 2:45 PM
Hi Jeffrey,
Q: If the first one ends prior to its end date will the second task's start date move forward to allow it start earlier?
A: Yes, technically.
Q: Is it possible to make this happen automatically?
A: Unfortunately no. It would make a great enhancement feature though!
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Could you explain what actually happens? Do you have to manually change the start date?
- Jeffrey Wormley
Tue 8/1/23 2:54 PM
An icon would appear next to the second task that would allow you to move it to an earlier starting date based on the completion date of its dependent task. You'd have to click that icon on the row for the second task to make that shift happen.
- Mark Sayers
Tue 8/1/23 2:56 PM