Reporting - is there a report that will show me what Repsonsble group is assigned to a form?


I'm interested to see if there is a report that I can input a responsible group and get a list of the forms assigned to it?


For example, I want to see every form that has a Responsible group of HD Questions, or Filse Share Services.


If one does not exist, is it possible for me to build one?




Asked by Eugene McGeehan on Thu 8/3/23 4:05 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 8/9/23 9:43 AM

Hi Eugene, 

I think you should be able to accomplish this by creating a ticket report and adding a column for "Form" and a filter for "Resp Group is one of _____" and that should allow you to see all tickets in which that group is responsible. The form column will allow you to see which forms are in question, so if you need to check those forms in TDAdmin, you can do that to see if the group is listed as the default responsibility on those forms. 

Hope this helps! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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