Notify a Contact upon adding Contact to ticket


Is it possible (maybe via webhook?) to have someone notified if they have been added to a ticket as a contact through the People tab? For instance, we have some tickets where a technician has ownership of a ticket and added another technician as a contact via the People tab, but then did not send any manual ticket comment or update, so the new contact technician did not notice they had been added to the ticket.

I know we can do reports and the like to show who is a contact on what, but I would prefer to be able to notify someone immediately after the action is performed.

Thank you for any pointers!

Asked by Halea Dickinson on Tue 8/8/23 9:05 AM
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Answers (2)

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Brittany Renn Tue 8/8/23 9:19 AM

Hi Halea, 

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is currently a configuration within webhooks that would support the event of adding a user as a contact to a ticket. I could see how that might be a helpful feature, so I would suggest submitting a Product Idea so that type of feature may be considered for future versions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you I will do that! - Halea Dickinson Tue 8/8/23 9:24 AM

David Tod Tue 8/8/23 11:21 AM

A webhook to iPaaS could do it, couldn't it? You might have to look at the ticket feed entries and the most recent entry, but then you could update the ticket with a notification.

(I'm working on this same kind of thing for "Add to my work")

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