URL that automatically selects a Ticket Template in TDNext

Hello Everyone,

in TDNext, we can have a direct link that automatically selects a specific form by putting "formId=#" in the URL.
Is there something similar I can use to automatically select a template as well?

For example:
/TDNext/Apps/31/Tickets/New?formId=30 will open the new service request page and automatically select the "Form" with the ID of 30.

We were hoping to create some direct links on the front desk staff's desktop that would automatically select a Template in addition to the Form.
Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thank you,
Ashbinder Saini

Asked by Ashbinder Saini on Thu 8/3/23 1:02 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Thu 8/3/23 1:33 PM

Hello Ashbinder,

Technically, yes, this is possible. At least, it is possible as far as being able to point someone to a URL that will open a new ticket creation window with a specific form pulled up by default.

The URL format would be like so:


Where the two pieces that involve numbers are the App ID of the ticket app in question, and the form ID in question, respectively.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Is there a similar process that automatically selects the Template as well, not just the Form?

Ashbinder Saini
- Ashbinder Saini Thu 8/3/23 1:56 PM
No I don't believe so. The *fields* on a form are not URL encodable currently. - Mark Sayers Thu 8/3/23 2:12 PM
Template would be considered a field on the form technically since it does appear when interacting with the ticket create window. - Mark Sayers Thu 8/3/23 2:12 PM

Ashbinder Saini Thu 8/3/23 2:49 PM

Ah, thank you for the update.

I'll submit an enhancement request for this.

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