Global SLAs


I created an SLA that requires a technician to respond to a ticket within two business days and I would like to make it so that this SLA is applied to every newly created ticket in our system moving forward. Currently, I have only found a way to apply the SLA to tickets based on what type they are but we have 200+ types. Is there a way to apply this to every ticket across the board?

Tags tickets type sla types
Asked by Riley Fay on Tue 8/8/23 11:42 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 8/8/23 12:17 PM

Hello Riley,

An Automation rule could do it for you. You'd have to make it one of the first rules (as far as evaluation order goes) so it catches all tickets.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

I continued to look into it after I posted this question and this is what I decided to do as well! I meant to edit the question but got distracted. Thank you!
- Riley Fay Tue 8/8/23 12:20 PM
You're very welcome! - Mark Sayers Tue 8/8/23 12:26 PM