Subflow Run History?

I haven't been able to break the code when subflow Run Histories are recorded.  Can you provide an explanation for when a subflow run histories are recorded?  For example, I have a primary flow that is recorded that shows the called subflow was successful, but the subflow didn't return the expected result, and I can't see a run history for the subflow.

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Thu 7/27/23 6:00 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Medaugh Fri 7/28/23 10:48 AM

Hi Tevis:

I've done a screen recording of how to get to the run history for a subflow. You can view this here:

Also, if you feel like scheduling some time to go over questions would be helpful, feel free to put in a ticket and I can get a Calendly link over to you!

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks Mark the screen capture was very helpful.

- Tevis Boulware Mon 7/31/23 10:59 AM
Hi Mark, see the following (somewhat rambling) screen capture. I can't find the run history for the primary "main control flow" in this situation.

This is a large data set, and it takes 30 minutes to inspect the data items, and once I add the location update actions, it will be much longer. However, I don't want to add the update actions until I am guaranteed the main control flow successfully executes to completion.

As a side note, I have a Python application that does the same set of operations, which I will have to use if I can't validate the main control flow.

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Mon 7/31/23 3:56 PM