A quick guide to what you can use to access your TeamDynamix database with customer read-only credentials (Private Cloud customers only). Contains serveral examples of how to connect and links out to additional resources on important tables, refresh schedules, and querying.
This article covers some common questions we have received historically relating to Private Cloud customers who can query their database directly. In this article we cover general and a few specific items/tables that we have been asked about more commonly than others.
This is a mixture of some of the more commonly asked questions relating to major TeamDynamix version releases.
Standards, timeline, and instructions for how and when passwords will be rotated annually for customers' read-only database accounts.
This article provides an overview of TeamDynamix's standard multi-tenant SaaS release process.
A list of IP addresses which host the TeamDynamix SaaS applications and supporting services.
The requirements for server infrastructure for running version 10.0+ of TeamDynamix.
Learn more about the different hosting options for Work Management, including multi-tenant and private cloud.