Getting Started with Tickets

This getting started article will help Technician User to create and manage tickets using the TDNext. The user must have the ticketing application access along with Technician Security Role in TDAdmin.


Tickets in TeamDynamix are used by technicians to restore service to users who have experienced issues (incident management), fulfill service requests and/or handle problem/change/release management.

One of the most common uses cases is incident management. When an incident occurs, users are able to submit service requests in the Client Portal for assistance from a technician. If configured correctly, a ticket will be created for the request in one of the organization's ticketing applications. This ticket can then be processed by a technician to ensure the request gets a response. Depending on the type of issue encountered, technicians are able to change the classification of the ticket as needed.

Where to Find This

This feature appears in the TDAdmin and TDClient interfaces.

TDAdmin is where the application is created and configured, TDNext is where service desk staff manages their incoming tickets through both the application and My Work, and TDClient is where students and constituents can create ticket requests.

Navigate to create a new client portal following these paths:

  • TDAdmin > Applications > Add a new Client Portal application here
  • TDAdmin > Applications > Client Portal Application Name > Services

Where to Start

Creating a New Ticket in TDNext

Technicians and Service Desk Manger’s use this path to create a new ticket for a requestor.

To create a new ticket:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications Menu and select the desired Ticketing application.
  2. In the toolbar, click +New, then select the form name from the dropdown.
  3. Fill out all required and optional ticket fields as desired.
  4. When finished, click on the "Save" button.

Creating a New Ticket in the Client Portal

A client user who needs assistance would use the Client Portal to submit a ticket request or report an incident.

To create a new ticket request:

  1. Enter a Client Portal application and go to Services to access the organizations Service Catalog
  2. Select the Service Category
  3. Select the Service you would like to request
  4. Click the button indicating request the service
  5. Fill out the ticket form as required.
  6. Click the Request button.

Assigning and Taking Ownership of Tickets

A ticket can be assigned to a group, a person, a group and person, or to no one (unassigned).  Ticket responsibility may be changed at any time.

In the below example, Classification Incident, represents any classification you are using.

To assign or reassign a ticket:

  1. In TDNext, open the desired Ticketing application.
  2. Select ticket from a listing of tickets in the ticket queue, on the left-hand side called “Tickets”
  3. Open the Ticket Details page for the ticket you want to reassign.
  4. Assign Incident or Reassign Incident in the Actions menu at the top of the Ticket Detail page.
  5. Use the New Responsibility type ahead or lookup feature to select a new responsible person or group.
  6. Choose whether or not to notify the person that they have been assigned to the ticket. The default choice is to notify the resource.
  7. Click the Save button.

To take ownership of an unassigned ticket:

  1. In TDNext, open the Ticket Details page for the ticket you want to reassign.
  2. Select Take Incident in the Actions menu at the top of the Ticket Detail page.

To mark a ticket as unassigned: 

  1. In TDNext, open the Ticket Details page for the ticket you want to reassign.
  2. Select Unassign Incident in the Actions menu at the top of the Ticket Detail page.

Adding Time to A Ticket

In order to add time to a ticket:

  1. In TDNext, select a Tickets application.
  2. Click the desired ticket search link in the left navigation under the "Tickets" link.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Apply" button.
  4. Click on the on the title link of the ticket you wish to update from the tickets list.
  5. Click Actions > Update at the top of the window. There is also an Update button above the ticket Feed section.
  6. The "Update Ticket" window will appear.
  7. Enter the hours spent working on the ticket if desired, the date the work was done and the time type.
  8. Fill in your comments in the "Comments" textbox.
  9. Check the "Make comments private" box if you do not wish client users to see any comments.
  10. Select any people you would like to directly notify about the ticket update by selecting the appropriate usernames from the "Notification" box. You may also choose to notify other people or email addresses not associated with the ticket. When entering Other Addresses, all addresses must be separated by commas.
  11. When complete, click the "Save" button.
  12. Your update will be added to the "Feed" section of the ticket.

Alternatively, you may add time by going to the Time and Expenses tab of the ticket and using the Add Time button.

Editing A Ticket

Editing a ticket allows TDNext users to make necessary changes to the main ticket content.

In order to edit a ticket, the user must:

  1. Navigate to a Tickets application.
  2. Locate the ticket via provided filters or searches.
  3. Click on the on the title of the ticket you wish to edit from the tickets list.
  4. Click the Edit button at the top of the page.
  5. Modify ticket information as needed and once complete, click the "Save" button at the top of the window.


Adding Contacts or People to a Ticket

To add an additional contact or people to a ticket and send them a notification requires two steps.

Select people to add to the ticket:

  1. Open a ticket in TDNext
  2. Click on the People tab at the top of the ticket
  3. Select users by either typing into the line below Contacts or click the magnifying glass at the right side of that line to open a search page. Desired contacts can be searched for and then selected by checking the boxes next to their names. Click the Insert Checked button in the popup window to finish selecting the contacts.
  4. Once all people are chosen, click the Add button.

Notify the people that they have been added to the ticket:

  1. Go to the General tab
  2. Select Actions > Notify any of those people via either a Comment, or a ticket Update.
  3. If using Update, select “Notify” (Users related to ticket) or “Notify Other People” (any Users who exist in TDX) or “Other Email Addresses” (any user with an email)
  4. Note that only individual people can be added to this area, groups will not be able to be added.
  5. Notifying a ticket contact in a communication will use the Requestor versions of a notification template (if you have custom ticket notification templates enabled).

Changing the Classification of a Ticket

For instance, you might need to change an Incident to a Problem or a Change to a Release. There is a classification warning message at the bottom of the Edit Classification window for each ticket, that explains what may be impacted by a classification change.

Users with the security role permission, The user will be able to change a ticket's classification, can change a ticket's classification to any available classification for that application. This permission can be assigned per ticketing application. 

To double check that a user has this permission, an admin will need to:

  1. Go to Admin > Ticketing Applications > Choose your application from the list > Users & Roles > Security Roles > Select Security Role. The permission is under the Ticket heading.

To change the classification of a ticket:

  1. Open the desired ticket.
  2. Click on the Actions button.
  3. Choose the Edit Classification option.
  4. Check the classification warning message posted at the bottom of the Edit Classification window to see what may be impacted by a classification change.
  5. Select the desired classification from the New Classification drop down menu
  6. click the Save button.

Deleting Tickets

Tickets can only be deleted by users who meet all of the following requirements:

  1. They have access to the Admin application itself.
  2. They have the administrator role permission to delete tickets. This is a separate permission outside of the user's security role permissions. Admin role permissions are handled in your organization's detail page in Admin. You can click on a particular administrator from your list of organization administrators to modify their admin role permissions.

People who are admins of only a ticketing application and not full admins of the environment cannot delete tickets. 

To delete a ticket from TDAdmin:

  1. Log into Admin
  2. Go to Ticketing Applications
  3. Select the ticketing application containing the ticket
  4. Go to Tickets
  5. Click a ticket in the list
  6. In the ticket detail window which opens, click the Delete Ticket button


Adding an Attachment to a Ticket

Documents, code samples, articles, screen shots, instructions, or images can be attached to a ticket. To add an attachment to a ticket, the user must:

  1. Enter a Tickets application.
  2. Click the desired ticket search link in the left navigation under the "Tickets" link.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Apply" button.
  4. Click on the title link of the ticket you wish to add an attachment to from the tickets list.
  5. Click Add > Attachment at the top of the window OR drag and drop the desired attachment to the Attachments section of the ticket on the right OR click the blue + button in the Attachments section of the ticket on the right.
  6. If the Add or + buttons were used, a popup window will appear. Click the browse button to locate the file(s) to be attached. Once complete, click on the "Upload" button.
    1. If attachment integrations have been turned on, you may also be able to browse OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, or Dropbox.
  7. The screen will now display a list of attachments to the ticket in the Attachments section of the General tab.

Adding an Attachment to An Existing Ticket Request

Documents, code samples, articles, screen shots, instructions or images can be attached to an existing ticket request.

To add an attachment to a ticket request:

  1. Enter the Client Portal application and go to Services.
  2. Click the Ticket Requests link in the sub-navigation header bar.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Search" button.
  4. Click on the title link of the ticket request you wish to add an attachment to from the ticket requests list.
  5. Click on the +Attachment(s) button in at the top of the page.
  6. A popup window will appear. Click the browse button to locate the file to be attached. Once complete, click on the "Upload" button.
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 if you wish to add more attachments.

The screen will now display a list of attachments to the ticket request in the Attachments section.

Viewing or Saving Ticket Request Attachments

If you are using TDClient from a client’s perspective to access the ticket application use following steps

To view or download a ticket request attachment, the user must:

  1. Enter the Client Portal application and go to Services.
  2. Click the Ticket Requests link in the sub-navigation header bar.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Search" button.
  4. Click on the title link of the ticket request whose attachment you wish to view or download from the ticket requests list.
  5. The screen will display a list of attachments to the ticket request in the "Attachments" section. If you would like to view or download the attachment, click on the attachment title. You will then be prompted to either open (view) or save the attachment.

Viewing or Saving Ticket Attachments

If you are using TDNext from a Technicians perspective to access the ticket application use following steps

To view or download a ticket attachment, the user must:

  1. Go a Tickets application.
  2. Locate and open the desired ticket for the attachment
  3. If necessary, run a search to locate the desired ticket and click the "Apply" button.
  4. Click on the title link of the ticket whose attachment you wish to view or download from the tickets list.
  5. The screen will display a list of attachments to the ticket in a section titled Attachments. If you would like to view or download the attachment, click on the attachment title. You will then be prompted to either open (view) or save the attachment.


Deleting a Ticket Request Attachment in the Client Portal

Documents, code samples, articles, screen shots, instructions or images can be deleted from a ticket request.

To delete an attachment to a ticket:

  1. Enter the Client Portal application and go to Services.
  2. Click the Ticket Requests link in the sub-navigation header bar.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Search" button.
  4. Click on the title link of the ticket request whose attachment you wish to delete from the ticket requests list.
  5. Click the Delete link for the appropriate file in the "Attachments" section of the ticket request detail window.


Deleting a Ticket Attachment in the TDNext Interface

Documents, code samples, articles, screen shots, instructions or images can be deleted from a ticket.

To delete an attachment to a ticket:

  1. Enter a Ticketing application.
  2. Click the desired ticket search link in the left navigation under the "Tickets" button.
  3. If you know the Ticket ID #, you can search for that in the upper right corner adjacent to the green filter (funnel) icon.
  4. Click the Delete link for the appropriate file in the "Attachments" section of the General tab of a ticket.

Understanding Ticket Visibility

There is no way to limit the visibility of items associated with a particular ticket type. Individuals in the Tickets application have access to all of an organization's tickets. The only visibility restrictions are present in the Requests application in both TDNext and TDClient.

If an individual belongs to a security role with the View all requests belonging to assigned accts/depts permission, they will be able to see not only tickets that list them as the creator and/or requestor, but also tickets with an account/department that matches one that they have been explicitly granted access to.

Furthermore, with the 10.1 release, several new visibility settings were added for the Client Portal which can be controlled at the ticketing application level. These are documented in the Managing Ticket Visibility in the Client Portal article in the Related Articles section. Review these in addition to this article as some allow for more fine-grained control of the previously mentioned "View all requests belonging to assigned accts/depts" permission.

Viewing Ticket Information

Viewing A Ticket

In order for a TDNext User to find a ticket and manage its content such as when the requestor is on the phone with you or to check on the status of a particular ticket.

To view a ticket:

  1. Enter a Ticketing application.
  2. Use one of the filters in the funnel-shaped filter located in the upper right of the ticketing application to search for the desired ticket. By default, only tickets that have New, In Process or On Hold status classes are displayed in ticket searches.
  3. Above the search menu on far right menu, there is a search by ID or keyword for Tickets. Keep in mind on the default statuses that #2 describes when searching.
  4. If necessary, change the search criteria and click the "Apply" button.
  5. Click on the appropriate title link from the ticket list to open a ticket detail window.

Viewing Ticket Time

The user may view any time associated with a ticket to determine how much time they have spend on this ticket already for time tracking purposes

To view time associated with a ticket:

  1. Enter a Tickets application.
  2. Click the desired ticket search link in the left navigation
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Apply" button.
  4. Click on the on the title link of the ticket whose time you wish to view from the tickets list.
  5. Go to the T&E tab of the ticket. You may use the Filter button above the Time section of this page to filter down entries.

Viewing Your Ticket Requests

To view all tickets submitted by a TDClient User or others from your department there is a convenient way to view all these requests in TDClient.

To view ticket requests that the user has entered, the user must:

  1. Enter the Client Portal application and go to Services.
  2. Click the Ticket Requests link in the sub-navigation header bar.
  3. If desired, change the search criteria and click the "Search" button.

The Read by Feature

Ticketing users in TDNext can view a history of who viewed a ticket and when that ticket was viewed.

To view the Read By history:

  1. Enter a Tickets application.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click the word Tickets or one of the standard filters or reports.
  3. If necessary, use the filter icon in the top right corner to modify the search criteria and click the "Apply" button.
  4. Click on the title of the ticket whose "Read By" history you wish to view.
  5. Go to the Read By tab of the ticket.

TDClient users can view a history of who viewed a ticket request and when that ticket request was viewed. In order to view the "Read By" history, the user must:

  1. Enter the Client Portal application and go to Services.
  2. Click the Ticket Requests link in the sub-navigation header bar.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the "Search" button.
  4. Click on the title link of the ticket request whose "Read By" history you wish to view from the ticket requests list.
  5. The read by listing will display on the right side of the screen in the "Read By" section.

If you don't want someone to see this read by tab in TDClient, you can navigate to the TDAdmin side of the client portal app you are working with and turn off that permission. 

Permissions and Access Needed for Ticket Tasks and Activities

Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, you cannot perform any of the listed operations on tickets or associated tasks or activities if the ticket has been converted to a project task or if the ticket is a ticket template used to apply against a new ticket during the intake process. During this conversion process a copy is taken of that ticket and moved to the project management application to become a project task.

The reviewer of a ticket is explicitly listed as the reviewer based on the ticket type, or one of the groups they belong to is listed as the reviewer. Someone who is primarily assigned to a ticket is either explicitly listed as primarily responsible, or the ticket is assigned to one of the groups they belong to.

Ticket Visibility

You can view a ticket if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You are the creator or requestor of the ticket and the ticketing application allows creators or requestors to view tickets.
  • You are in the associated account or department and have permission to view tickets in their account or department, and the ticketing application allows you to view tickets in your associated accounts or departments.
  • You are a contact on the ticket and the ticket application allows contacts to view tickets.
  • You have access to the ticketing application.

If a ticket has been converted to a project task, it is still visible to individuals in the Ticketing application.

Adding a Ticket to My Work

You can add a ticket to your My Work list if all the following conditions are true:

  • The ticket is not marked as complete or canceled
  • You have access to My Work
  • You are assigned to the ticket.

If a ticket has no responsible user when the ticket is added to your My Work list, you are responsible for the ticket.

Assigning a Ticket

You can assign or unassign the responsible user or group on a ticket if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You have the Edit All Tickets permission
  • You are the reviewer of the ticket
  • You are primarily assigned to the ticket.

Assigning a Workflow to a Ticket

You can assign a workflow to a ticket if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You have the Edit All Tickets permission
  • You are the reviewer of the ticket.

Changing a Ticket's Classification (8.6)

You can change a ticket's classification if all the following conditions are true:

  • You have the Edit Ticket Classification permission
  • The ticket isn't in a workflow or the workflow is complete.

Editing a Ticket

You can edit a ticket if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You have the Edit All Tickets permission
  • You are the reviewer of the ticket
  • You are primarily assigned to the ticket and have the Edit Assigned Tickets permission.

Merging a Ticket

You can merge a source ticket into another ticket if all of the following conditions are true:

  • You have the Merge Tickets permission
  • They can update the source ticket.

Taking a Ticket

You can take a ticket if all the following conditions are true:

  • The ticket has not been converted to a project task
  • The ticket is not marked as complete or canceled
  • The ticket is not assigned to any user
  • You have the Take Tickets permission.

Updating a Ticket

You can update a ticket if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You have the Edit All Tickets permission
  • You have the Update All Tickets permission
  • You are the reviewer of the ticket
  • You are primarily assigned to the ticket and have the Edit Assigned Tickets permission.

You can update a ticket even if it has been converted to a project task, but only if the task has been marked as completed.

Withdrawing a Ticket Request

You can withdraw a ticket request if all the following conditions are true:

  • You are the creator or requestor of the ticket
  • The ticket has not been marked as complete or canceled.

Importing Tickets

You can import tickets if all the following conditions are true:

  • You have access to the ticketing application
  • You have the Bulk-Import Tickets permission for the application.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • As a TDNext User ticket statues changes and assignment cannot be made within the same action. You will need to do this in two separate steps.
  • Once a ticket is moved it will no longer be accessible in the initiated ticketing application.
  • Only TDX Admins can delete tickets within the TDAdmin interface.


To get some ideas of what the ticketing application can do for you, have a look at these examples shared by TeamDynamix clients:

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