Articles in this category will help get you started with creating and beginning to use projects and workspaces in TeamDynamix.

Categories (3)

Implementing and Configuring Project Management

This category details how an organization might begin to implement project management.

Project Attributes

This category contains articles informing how to create and manage project custom attributes.

Project Resources

Articles in this category will discuss how to work with and manage the different kinds of resources that are added to projects.

Articles (9)

Adding/Removing Project Components

This how-to article explains how TeamDynamix administrators can add or remove project components available for use by a project's resources.

Deactivating, Activating, Closing, Copying and Deleting Projects

This how-to article will help users to Activate, Deactivate, Close, or Delete projects using the TDNext interface (or TDAdmin for deletion).

Document Workflows

This how-to article will help users to set up a project document workflow using TDAdmin & TDNext.

Manage by Project vs Manage by Plan FAQ

This article answers some frequently asked questions about the differences between the Manage by Project and Manage by Plans settings on a project.

Overview on administering multiple PPM groups in TDX

This article helps TDX administrators administer multiple PPM groups in TDX, and includes a list of PPM related configurations that are most often used by clients.

The Private Team

This introduction article will help users to understand the intent of the Private Team which is found in the Projects/Workspaces application in the TDNext interface.

Understanding Portfolio and Program Weighting

This introduction article will help users to configure weighting calculations using the TDAdmin interface in Portfolio Planning.

Viewing Projects in the Client Portal [Video]

This video will users to understand project visibility in the Client Portal.