Google Drive Integration Privacy Policy

Integration Data Privacy Policy

A full description about how the integration works can be found here, or via the Google Drive Integration Summary link in the Related Articles section.

The only data from Google which TeamDynamix stores in its systems are the generated file share links (described by the integration summary). These links are expected to live in the TeamDynamix system in perpetuity unless specific actions are taken by the client to delete them. The file share links will only be deleted when one of the following situations occurs:

  • When a user in the client's tenant manually removes the links from the item(s) they were shared to. Shared Google Drive files on TeamDynamix work items or briefcases can be easily removed by appropriately licensed TeamDynamix users at any time.
  • When the parent work item (which the data was shared to) is deleted (ex: deleting a ticket). 
  • The client ends their usage of the TeamDynamix platform entirely. If a client should stop using the TeamDynamix platform, their retained Google Drive link data will also be purged as a part of the client off-boarding process.

No other data from the Google system, such as Google user profile data, Google Drive data or any other type of Google data, is retained beyond what is mentioned above. Furthermore, the Google Workspace APIs that may be leveraged by this integration are not used to develop, improve, or train generalized AI and/or ML models.

All policies and processes related to the retention or deletion of Google data are securely managed to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. If applicable, we will retain your Google data for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. Any TeamDynamix client who may have concerns about the usage of Google Drive links in our system may contact our support team to request a report of currently shared Google Drive files.

TeamDynamix General Privacy Policy

The general TeamDynamix privacy policy for our site and applications can be found at the below location:

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Article ID: 160662
Fri 7/19/24 3:52 PM
Fri 7/26/24 10:13 AM

Related Articles (1)

This article describes how TeamDynamix leverages the Google APIs to facilitate linking to externally hosted files from TeamDynamix work items.