Audit Log for Viewing Attachments on Tickets


As our organization uses TDX with ePHI bound by HIPAA, we have several protected attributes that we use. But attachments don't seem to have any protection functionality. Is there a way to audit in TDX who viewed or downloaded an attachment on a ticket? If not, can we reach out to have TeamDynamix dig deeper into the backend to retrieve this information on a case-by-case basis?


Tags ticket tdadmin file files view attachment HIPAA log attachments tdnext ticket-attachment download-file logging Audit ticket-attachments ePHI PHI view-audit download-audit audit-log
Asked by Anthony Nave on Tue 3/22/22 2:58 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 3/23/22 9:36 AM

Hello Anthony,

Unfortunately we don’t store attachment view data.

We could potentially cross reference it from the attachment download links in our web traffic, but please note *this will not be an exact 1:1 on views* as views are not explicitly tracked.

Additionally, if you're hoping for views on files accessible publicly in the Client Portal, any views that take place by non-authed visitors would not be tied to a user so it wouldn't provide useful audit data. 

If you *do* ever have a specific need for this type of security audit, please do submit a Support ticket (here Submit a ticket), though I would expect this to be a relatively infrequent occurrence as opposed to weekly requests for multiple items.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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