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Working with attachments in iPaaS forms

I am a bit stuck. I want users to be able to select an attachment in a form and, upon form submit, upload this file to Google drive. I have no idea where to go at this point. I am able to successfully select an attachment and initiate the flow...
0 Answers
Jim Lucas Last activity on 12/5/2024 3:50:39 PM by Jim Lucas

Workflow attachment notification

Hi All,
Wondering if there is a way to create a workflow to notify the responsible tech and/or group of a file attachment to a ticket either at the time of SR submission or after the fact.
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 10/8/2024 4:00:58 PM by Mark Sayers

Email Monitor Attachments

Is it possible to have an attachment in an email that is sent to a monitor and the attachment be in the ticket that is created? I can't seem to get the PDF to show up in the ticket upon creation.
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 5/7/2024 8:47:45 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket - video attachment size limit

Hi All,
Could someone let me know what is the limit for a video file attached to a ticket? I saw a few discussions stating 20MB and 50MB. Thank you
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 2/29/2024 11:30:30 AM by Brittany Renn

Can uploading attachments via a Service Request be restricted to certain users?

During a recent cybersecurity event, a vulnerability was found within TD, in regards to attachments: anybody can attach them, and they are not scanned for viruses or scripts, etc.
I understand that email is a bit more locked down (b...
1 Answer
Eugene McGeehan Last activity on 1/12/2023 5:00:23 PM by Brittany Renn

Audit Log for Viewing Attachments on Tickets

As our organization uses TDX with ePHI bound by HIPAA, we have several protected attributes that we use. But attachments don't seem to have any protection functionality. Is there a way to audit in TDX who viewed or downloaded an attach...
1 Answer
Anthony Nave Last activity on 3/23/2022 9:36:21 AM by Mark Sayers