
ticket-attachments Clear Tag Filter

What does GETting the contents of an attachment return through the web api?

Does this just return the text or information within the attachment? For example if I GET a txt file, does it just return the text within the file? Or does this download the file/make it accessible? I need to download PDFs from tickets for an arc...
1 Answer
Troy Lopez Last activity on 8/3/2023 12:29:25 PM by Brittany Renn

Audit Log for Viewing Attachments on Tickets

As our organization uses TDX with ePHI bound by HIPAA, we have several protected attributes that we use. But attachments don't seem to have any protection functionality. Is there a way to audit in TDX who viewed or downloaded an attach...
1 Answer
Anthony Nave Last activity on 3/23/2022 9:36:21 AM by Mark Sayers