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You can view the list of ticket types in the ticketing application admin settings in TDAdmin.
List of TDX configuration that cannot be deleted
The list of attributes and formats which TeamDynamix accepts for SAML 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) authentication and self-registration processes.
This article helps TDX administrators administer multiple PPM groups in TDX, and includes a list of PPM related configurations that are most often used by clients.
Markdown, created by John Gruber in 2004, is a lightweight markup language designed for formatting plain text, easily convertible to HTML and known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used across documentation, blogging, academic writing, and note-taking for its ease of use and versatility in content creation.
This article outlines how to use the TeamDynamix CKEditor RT Editor control with a keyboard.
This how-to article will help Asset Application administrators to review the results of an asset discovery job using the TDAdmin interface.
This document outlines the usage of Notification Templates in the TeamDynamix application suite.