List of User Settings

This introduction article will help Admins to understand the settings within a user record. To see user records it is required to have access to the People application in TDNext or Admin access in TDAdmin.

List of User Settings

General User Settings

There are many settings attached to user records. Note the required and suggested fields. Your implementation consultant can assist you in deciding if and how you will use the other optional fields.


Field Name Status Description
Security Role Required Security Role that will be applied to the user. Go to Users & Roles > Security Roles for specific definitions of specific roles.
First Name
Last Name
Required Name that will appear on tickets, issues, and throughout TeamDynamix applications
Organizational ID Suggested A unique value that will never change, such as the person's employee ID, student ID, or NetID. This can be used for deduplication and matching, even if the user's other information changes.
Alternate ID   Optional ID value that can be used for searching and reporting.
Middle Name   User's legal middle name.
Nickname   For informational purposes only. First name will always be used as display name in TeamDynamix applications.
Salutation   Can be used in notification templates. Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mx., etc.
Organization Required Default is the name of your TeamDynamix organization. Can be changed if you serve multiple organizations (teaching hospitals, etc)
Title   Optional, job title (Assistant Professor, etc)
Default Acct/Dept Suggested The department the user belongs to. This will be auto-applied to any forms the user submits and can be used for reporting purposes.
Request Priority   Will automatically categorize all requests submitted by this user. Suggested to use Automation Rules instead to avoid unnecessarily elevating routine requests.
Time Zone Required Used to adjust dates throughout TeamDynamix applications to the correct date/time format.
Location Room
Suggested The building/location and room the user is based out of. Can be helpful to technicians reviewing requests, as they will know where the user is located.
Confidentiality flag Used infrequently Confidential users cannot be seen by unprivileged individuals within a client portal application.
Primary Email Required The main email associated with a user, for informational purposes
Alert/Notification Email Required The email address to use for notification emails, such as from issues and tickets
Alternate Email   Personal or alternate email address, aside from the primary address, for informational purposes.
Preferred Phone   Drop-down to indicate the preferred phone number
Work Phone   User's work phone number
Home Phone   User's home phone number
Mobile Phone   User's cell or mobile number
Other Phone   Another phone number for the user
Pager   User's pager number
Fax   User's fax machine number
IM Provider   Name of the user's preferred IM provider. Not commonly used.
IM Handle   Handle or username for the user's preferred IM provider. Not commonly used.
Work Address
Postal Code
  User's work/office address. Defaults to your TeamDynamix environment's address.
Home Address
Postal Code
  User's home address.
Hourly Bill Rate Required Dollar amount that one might use when performing services for other departments, and then billing the time back.
Hourly Cost Rate Required The full burden cost for the employee (benefits + salary, etc). This can be helpful in measuring the human capital costs when they track time.
Daily Capacity Required, if capacity is managed The number of hours per day the user works. Only required if This user's capacity is managed is checked.
Capacity Dates   Used for determining the user's capacity. From date indicates their start date, to date (can be left blank) indicates their end date.
This user's capacity is managed (checkbox)   If checked, indicates the user will appear on capacity planning and availability reports.
This user is an employee (checkbox) Suggested for internal employees If checked, user will appear in type-aheads and auto-completes for fields like Responsibility. Typically used for internal employees, such as IT or technicians. Not suggested for clients.
This user should report time (checkbox)   If checked, the user will be reminded to enter time and expenses every week. As long as user is granted access to the Time & Expenses application, user can enter time & expenses; this only controls reminders.
Reports To Required The individual that this person reports to, i.e., their manager or supervisor. Used for workflows and approvals.
Resource Pool   The Resource Pool a user should be assigned to.
About Me   Short bio or about section for the user.
Custom Attributes   Any Custom User Attributes you create will appear near the bottom of the User window.
Technician Signature   The technicians signature can be configured on the user record along with check boxes to apply the signature to updates and new comments and all replies.

Authentication Settings

  • TeamDynamix Username: The TeamDynamix username field is used to identify people across all TeamDynamix environments. Therefore, each user’s username must be unique across all environments. We recommend setting the username to be a value that does not change + “@” + your organization. For example, if you use a unique number “12345” to identify a user, you might set the TeamDynamix username to “”
  • Authentication ProviderThe authentication provider associated with this user, such as LDAP. Authentication Providers are configured in TDAdmin under Organization Settings > Authentication Providers. If you are using SSO, the Auth Provider setting stays set to TeamDynamix. SSO is configured separately.
  • Authentication Username – The username that the user will pass to the Authentication Provider, such as LDAP. For example, if you are using SSO and a user’s EPPN is “” then their authentication username should be set to
  • Password – The password field is not required. When using the People Import Utility, do not pass the password column unless you need users to use TeamDynamix-based password authentication.

Application Settings

These are the applications that a user is granted access to. The applications available to the user depends on the License Type associated with the user's Security Role.

For more information on the applications available and which License Types can be granted access to them, see the article Applications Overview with Associated License Types.

Functional Roles

Any Functional Roles associated with a user are listed here. You can edit existing roles or add new ones.

  • Role - drop-down menu used to add a different Functional Role to the user.
  • Make this role Primary (checkbox) - used to mark the role as the user's primary Functional Role

Other Settings

  • Limits – Limited time types.
  • Accounts/Departments
  • Groups
  • Usage – Lists the user's login history for TDNext, TDClient, and TDAdmin, including timestamps, IP addresses, and whether the attempt was successful.
  • Desktops – Assign and edit custom desktops for the user.
  • Workspaces – Assign one or more Workspaces.
  • Source Control – View and modify source control usernames.
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