Ticketing Application "Purpose"?

When creating a new (or editing) a ticketing application in TDAdmin, there is a pre-filled dropdown for "purpose" that requires selection. Is there any changes in behavior or functionality in TDX by choosing one of these over the other. Is it just required to keep ticketing apps organized? Thanks.

Tags ticketing settings new ticketing-application ticketing-application-settings details ticketing-app New-app app new-application purpose
Asked by Anthony Nave on Thu 3/10/22 3:48 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 3/10/22 4:45 PM

Hello Anthony,

It is more for your own informational purposes than functionality, that field's value doesn't change anything about how a ticket app behaves.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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