Email Services Overview


The Email Monitoring Service periodically checks a folder in an email account for new messages. When it finds a message, it will create a new ticket or process it as a reply to a notification on an existing work item. This article describes how to configure Email Monitors (create new tickets) and Email Replies (process replies).

Using Email Services


The following things need to be done in order to set up email monitors and replies: 

  1. Create an email account in your email provider and gather the credentials for that account. Within the email account, define a folder for new items, processed items, and failed items. The inbox can be used for the new items folder. 
    • Tip: Email Monitors and Email Replies cannot monitor the same folder in the same mailbox. It is recommended to either have two email accounts, one for ticket creation and one for replies, or have a separate folder for replies in the mailbox and configure email rules to move replies into that folder. The email service will not allow you to configure both Email Replies and an Email Monitor that look at the same folder of the same mailbox.
  2. Create an email monitor service account in TeamDynamix. This user account will be used to create and update items within TeamDynamix. 
  3. Create an email authentication account in TeamDynamix which will contain the details of the email account and its credentials. 
  4. Configure the Email Monitor or Email Replies


Once your email monitor or email reply monitor is configured, the Log tab will show you logs from the email service, which you can use to verify that the service is running correctly. 

Email Monitor Logs

The logs tab will contain status updates regarding the monitor. This will allow you to verify that the monitor is processing emails correctly and in the case the monitor stops or is deactivated, figure out the issue. For example, you may see that the monitor was unable to log into your inbox several times in a row indicating the credentials may have changed and were never updated in the settings.

The date range picker allows you to filter based on a desired range. You can use the preset options on the right or click on the desired date and or dates to filter by.

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