Creating a TeamDynamix Email Service Account

The Email Monitor services enable your clients to submit tickets. The email service uses a Service Account to take actions in TeamDynamix. 

Creating an Email Service Account

First, create a global Security Role for the account.

  1. In TDAdmin, use the left menu to navigate to Users & Roles > Security Roles.
  2. Click + New to create a new Security Role specifically for the Email Service.
  3. For the Name, enter "Email Service" or similar to identify it as a Security Role specifically for the Email Service.
  4. For the License Type, choose Enterprise.
  5. Enable the following permissions for the role (section titles are in bold):
    • All: View All Accts/Depts
    • All: View All Types
    • Issue: Update Issues
    • Person: Create and modify individuals in the People database
    • Project Request: Always Edit Requests
    • Risk: Edit Risks
    • Task: Update Tasks
  6. At the top of the window, click Save.

Next, create a similar role for your Ticketing application(s):

  1. In TDAdmin, use the left menu to navigate to Applications > [Tickets app] > Users & Roles > Security Roles
  2. Click + New to create a new Security Role specifically for the Email Service.
  3. For the Name, enter "Email Service" or similar to identify it as a Security Role specifically for the Email Service.
  4. For the License Type, choose Enterprise.
  5. Enable the following permissions for the role (section titles are in bold):
    • Ticket: The user will be able to update all tickets and ticket tasks regardless of type
  6. At the top of the window, click Save.

Next, create a similar role for your Assets/CIs application(s):

  1. In TDAdmin, use the left menu to navigate to Applications > [Assets/CIs app] > Users & Roles > Security Roles
  2. Click + New to create a new Security Role specifically for the Email Service.
  3. For the Name, enter "Email Service" or similar to identify it as a Security Role specifically for the Email Service.
  4. For the License Type, choose Enterprise.
  5. Enable the following permissions for the role (section titles are in bold):
    • Asset: Update assets
  6. At the top of the window, click Save.

Note: You will need to repeat these steps for any applications where you intend to use Email Monitoring enabled (for example, multiple ticketing applications and/or multiple assets applications).

Next, create the Service Account for use with Email Monitors

  1. In TDAdmin, use the left menu to navigate to Users & Roles > Users.
  2. Click + Create, then click Create Service Account.
  3. Input the following information:
    • Username: Typically a value resembling an email address that adheres to your organization's domain, such as "".
  4. Click Next.
  5. Input the following information:
    • First Name and Last Name: Because this will sometimes show up in feed entries, it is suggested that you use a name like Email Service (first name Email, last name Service).
    • Security Role: Use the "Email Service" security role you defined.
    • Password: Enter a secure password.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. In the Service Account details screen, use the left menu to navigate to Applications.
  8. Grant the service account access to the below applications:
    • Assets/CIs - for Security Role, choose the Email Service role you created
    • Client Portal - for Security Role, choose your default client portal security role
    • People (if you want to allow requestor creation)
    • Portfolio Planning
    • Projects
    • TDNext
    • Your Ticketing application(s) - for Security Role, choose the Email Service role you created

Finally, create the User Account for use with Email Replies:

  1. In TDAdmin, use the left menu to navigate to Users & Roles > Users.
  2. Click + Create, then click Create User.
  3. Input the following information:
    • Username: Typically a value resembling an email address that adheres to your organization's domain, such as "".
  4. Click Next.
  5. Under the Details section, input the following information:
    • Security Role: Use the "Email Service" security role you defined.
    • First Name and Last Name: Because this will sometimes show up in feed entries, it is suggested that you use a name like Email Service (first name Email, last name Service).
    • Password: Enter a secure password.
  6. Under the Contact Information section, enter the following information:
    1. Primary Email and Alert/Notification Email: Enter an email address to be associated with the Email Replies User Service Account. It is suggested that you use a mailing list or a distribution list that will notify your TDX admins if it receives mail. You should NOT use the email address associated with your email monitor or email replies monitor mailboxes.
  7. Under the Capacity section, enter the following information:
    1. This user's capacity is managed: Uncheck this option to disable it.
    2. This user is an employee: Uncheck this option to disable it.
    3. This user should report time: Uncheck this option to disable it.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. In the User details screen, use the left menu to navigate to Applications.
  10. Grant the user access to the below applications:
    • Assets/CIs - for Security Role, choose the Email Service role you created
    • Client Portal - for Security Role, choose your default client portal security role
    • People (if you want to allow requestor creation)
    • Portfolio Planning
    • Projects 
    • TDNext
    • Your Ticketing application(s) - for Security Role, choose the Email Service role you created.

Now that your Email Monitor Service Account and your Email Replies User Account are both configured, you can visit Email Service Overview article for more information on setting up Email Replies and Email Monitor​​​​​​

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