Notify Multiple Resources when Bulk/Mass Updating

When trying to update a number of tickets at once, either using Action > Update or Comment, it doesn't appear possible to notify more than one resource (Group, Responsible, Requestor, etc). Is this not possible or am I just missing something? Control/Command/Shift clicking doesn't appear to do anything.

Tags ticket notification tdnext notify
Asked by Jacob Gladfelter on Thu 11/30/23 10:58 AM Last edited Thu 11/30/23 10:58 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 11/30/23 11:03 AM

Hello Jacob,

You are correct that you can only select one "role" for the tickets in question to notify the corresponding person(s) about the update/assignment. I believe it would be an enhancement to allow for notifying additional roles/persons.

Feel free to submit a request to expand that notification capability here:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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