Exporting List of Users with Alert/Notification Email

Good afternoon:

Sorry to flood the forum with questions, but I am attempting to export the list of employees in preparation for implementation of asset management.

I am able to filter our list of users by employees only, but I wanted to ask if there is a way to add a column to view the Alert/Notification of each user in the filtered list (or a way to build a report to do this)? We will need the Alert/Notification email address of each user for bulk import, but it seems like we will have to click into each user's record to view this information.


Thank you.

Tags report email users asset-management Assets-CIs alert-notifcation
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Tue 6/28/22 6:45 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 6/29/22 9:48 AM

Hello Anderson,

Unfortunately the Alert/Notification field isn't currently reportable in a People report, but if it happens to be the same as your Primary Email field or the Alternate Email field, you *can* report on those fields.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you. I was able to run a People report in Analysis to export the needed information. - Anderson Hanchett Fri 7/1/22 4:36 PM