Edit Standard Field Setting


We recently went in and created ~120 forms using a template form. I only just realized that a couple of the fields in the template form had custom help text assigned to them. These fields are standard fields in TDX such as Acct/Dept and Description. Where can I go in TDAdmin to change the default help text globally? Doing that for each form would be very time consuming. 

Thank you.

Tags forms tdadmin settings field
Asked by Riley Fay on Wed 4/3/24 10:52 AM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Wed 4/3/24 10:57 AM

Hi Riley, 

The Custom Help Text for default attributes is specific to the form so unfortunately, you'd have to update that on each form. Let us know if you have further questions, though. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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