Generating Ticket from Poor Survey Response

My team would like to have a ticket generated when a satisfaction rating of 4 or lower is received from a survey response. This question is similar to the question linked here, except rather than generating emails to a certain group, it would create a ticket with a 7 day due date (if possible) and send it to the manager of the responsible group.

This Ticket would be assigned to the Manager of the primary response group for the parent ticket associated with the survey response and include other basic details about the parent ticket and the survey which triggered the follow up ticket to be generated.

This is in a effort to cut down on unnecessary follow-ups from our teams when a low survey score is reported and corrected, to keep better track of our metric on follow up time and keep it as timely as possible. 

Is there a way to do this with TeamDynamix Survey Responses?

Tags ticket survey incident ticket-survey
Asked by Jacob Adams on Fri 12/8/23 4:19 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 12/11/23 4:30 PM

Hi Jacob, 

I don't believe there is any way currently to automatically create a ticket from a Survey Response. I would suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request so this kind of feature can be considered for future versions: 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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