Email monitor vs automation rule


When an email monitor captures an incoming ticket will automation rules get to it first? If I set the responsible group in the email monitor, will automation rules leave it alone? Could I leave the responsible group in the monitor blank and use automation rules to look for a custom attribute drop down of monitors from a form for just monitors?

Tags email automation rules rule monitor
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Sun 10/8/23 7:47 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 10/9/23 9:09 AM

Hi Michael, 

I believe the Email Rules will be evaluated first to establish the ticket profile and then once the ticket is actually created, the automation rules will be evaluated. So to your example, yes you could leave the responsible group in the monitor blank and use automation rules to assign the responsible based on some other criteria of the ticket. 

Hope this helps! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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