SLA Dashboard(s)

Does anyone have a good SLA dashboard (maybe one used by techs and one by managers) that works well for your teams? Rather than reinventing the wheel, I thought I would see what others are doing. Thanks! 

Tags itsm sla dashboard-report dashboard
Asked by Cassandra Slagg on Wed 5/17/23 12:40 PM Last edited Wed 5/17/23 12:40 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Wed 5/17/23 1:35 PM

Hi Cassandra, 

I'm sure other clients may chime in, but I did want to propose a couple of ideas to you. We have the 2 KB articles below that go over how to create SLA reports. If you get those created, you should be able to use those reports as content modules on a desktop: 

SLA Reports

Creating a desktop: 

Hopefully this helps you out some! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks for your answer, Brittany! I'll give this a try but I want to be more proactive and make sure technicians (and their managers) are addressing tickets before the SLA is violated. I think I'll be able to do this by using the 'SLA Resolve (or Respond) By filter...? I'm just not sure what operator or values would be most effective. - Cassandra Slagg Wed 5/17/23 6:28 PM
No problem at all! There are report filters for 'SLA Violated' that you could set the operator to 'False.' Then, you could add another filter for 'SLA Respond By' and set the value to 'today,' 'tomorrow,' or 'this week,' so users can see which ones are upcoming. Then, you can repeat the same operator for another filter for the 'SLA Resolve By' if needed. Overall, I think your operators/values will probably depend heavily on what SLA Resolve/Respond By times you have configured, that way you know what times to focus on with the report filters. - Brittany Renn Thu 5/18/23 11:14 AM