Allow Supervisor to see tickets when they are not a technician

I have a client user who oversees two departments that have applications in our TDX instance. She will never answer or modify a ticket, so she remains a client rather than a technician. 

Is there a way that she can see the list of tickets that have been submitted to the two departments she oversees? 

Tags client tickets technician manager supervisor
Asked by Terri Edney on Wed 12/21/22 8:35 PM
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Answer (1)

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Greg Van De Mark Wed 12/21/22 9:13 PM

You can make a report (or reports) that shows what you want it to show, put that report on a desktop, and make that desktop public. Then give your client user the URL that appears when you make the desktop public. That should work. I think anyone that has the URL has permission to view the desktop so make sure you tell that person that the URL is your little secret.

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