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Allow Supervisor to see tickets when they are not a technician

I have a client user who oversees two departments that have applications in our TDX instance. She will never answer or modify a ticket, so she remains a client rather than a technician.
Is there a way that she can see the list of tickets tha...
1 Answer
Terri Edney Last activity on 12/21/2022 9:13:21 PM by Greg Van De Mark

Notification to Users with Same "Reports To" Attrib

Is there a good way to generate a notification via workflow to all users with the same manager (reports to)?

It's easy to send a notification to a user's manager but not the other way around.
Let me know if there is a smart way to do thi...
1 Answer
Naomi Langston Last activity on 4/7/2022 1:29:03 PM by Mark Sayers