
technician Clear Tag Filter

Bundle multiple reports in one email

I have supervisory staff who want to know more about the tickets their staff receive and complete. These supervisors will never answer a ticket, so they do not need a "Technician" license. I have created multiple reports for them. I'd like to kno...
1 Answer
Terri Edney Last activity on 7/25/2023 12:21:15 PM by Mark Sayers

Email Service Technician User License

I was wondering if the Technician license assigned to the Email Service user (as described in this article: Article - Getting Started with Email ... ( ) will count toward license usage? Same question for the built in System Admin...
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 1/25/2023 9:21:19 AM by Mark Sayers

Allow Supervisor to see tickets when they are not a technician

I have a client user who oversees two departments that have applications in our TDX instance. She will never answer or modify a ticket, so she remains a client rather than a technician.
Is there a way that she can see the list of tickets tha...
1 Answer
Terri Edney Last activity on 12/21/2022 9:13:21 PM by Greg Van De Mark

Restrict technician ability to Create/Set Parent

We have a role for restricted technician that only allows them to update tickets that they are assigned. However, they still have the ability on any ticket to create and set parents (Problem, Change) that they can then cascade updates ...
1 Answer
Anthony Nave Last activity on 3/2/2022 1:08:59 PM by Mark Sayers