How to Mass Update Assets Using External Data

I am trying to update over 1,000 computers in TDX assets. I am trying to filter my assets to the desired ones, I want to update.  Is there a way that i can Filter the assets compared to extanl data? 

For example: I have a excel list of all the computer that I need to update only 1 Custom Attribute.

Tags Data Asset-update asset-application mass
Asked by Mathew Chase on Tue 12/6/22 11:04 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Tue 12/6/22 12:40 PM

Hello Michael,

Our reporting system does not allow for filtering based on some external source like an excel file, no. What type of information are you trying to modify though on these assets?


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Mathew Chase Tue 12/6/22 12:44 PM

I am trying to update a Custom Attribute that we made. on 1,000 plus computers. 

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You may have to perform one or more searches using the asset search function to achieve that depending on how many (if any) commonalities these assets might all have with each other. - Mark Sayers Tue 12/6/22 1:22 PM
That's the thing there is no major commonalities. They are all very different MN, SN, Status etc...

I would like a process that is similar to importing. Were it just going off computer Name, SN, and Service tag and appends.
- Mathew Chase Tue 12/6/22 1:29 PM
You could use the import process I suppose, though you'd have to make sure you've first reported on all of the possible columns/attributes these assets might use so you don't cause any data loss when you import your file.

The better way to do it would be to compile a list of asset IDs that need the updating then write a script that uses our PATCH API endpoint for assets to update that one attribute on all of those assets (it would have to iterate through the asset IDs, one ID per call).
- Mark Sayers Tue 12/6/22 1:57 PM
Okay. Thank you for that info.

Do you know if there is a plan for the future to add in a feature to satisfy this need / use case? It hard for me to think that no one else is having issues with mass updating 1,000 + assets with no major commonalities.
- Mathew Chase Tue 12/6/22 2:04 PM
I don't know if there is a plan for this, but you certainly should submit an enhancement request to ask for it: - Mark Sayers Tue 12/6/22 2:57 PM